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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by kinzyesmom

Q: What to do about headache and eye twitches

I am prone to migraines and For the last week I have had BAD headaches every day with my eye twitching in the upper eyelid. They are really bad and send me to bed. Tylenol doesnt even touch the pain. So my question is, when I get them should I go to the er as I would with a normal migraine or not? I am between 11 and 15 weeks. (Havent been able to see my obgyn yet due to an insurance problem that is getting fixed this week.)

This question was asked Dec. 5, 2011 1:16pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by allioak - Dec. 5, 2011 1:19pm
Hey, i've been suffering from migraines my whole pregnancy. for short term relief my OB and neurologist agreed that Fioriset was my best option for pain relief and they believe it to be safe for pregnant women. As a longer term option, I have started acupuncture to try to reduce the migraines. I've gone 3 times now and am actually seeing improvement!

See a neurologist if you can...that was where I got the most advice. Also double check after your appt. with a neurologist wtih your OB that the options are okay. Even if you don't have an appt with ur OB yet, definitely call them and talk to them over the phone.

Good luck! I know how much migraines stink, especially when you can't do anything to control them!

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Answered by krittarae - Dec. 5, 2011 3:21pm
I also struggle with very bad headaches and migraines and was also prescribed Fioriset by my OB...it works pretty well for regular headaches and helps only somewhat for a migraine, but a little help is better than nothing. Also, "they say" headache frequency often slows down sometime in the second trimester. I'm almost 18 weeks and still having plenty of headaches, but maybe the slow down is on its way! Good luck!

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Answered by Mrsjordan11 - Dec. 5, 2011 3:29pm
I used to get terrible migraine headaches before I was pregnant and about 5 wks into this one they started weekly and lasted for days, the only time I didn't have pain was when I woke in the middle of the night. Nothing helped! I was miserable! It's very hard to deal with unless ur single and live alone lol but I have 3 kids and a husband so laying in bed while I had them was often interrupted. At my appts I would tell them and they repeatedly told me it was normal until I was 12wks then they said they'd refer me to a neurologist if they didn't ease up when I started my 2nd trimester. I was confused I never had this with previous pregnancies but I'm now 15wks6d and I feel great no headaches!!! And energy has returned! I would suggest waiting it out a little bit of u can to see if they ease up before taking a medication. Best of luck to u!

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