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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Barbie


I'm 34 weeks pregnant and for like a month I've been looking for a pair of CUTE baby booties. The thing is, my son will be born during spring and so his first few months will be in the summer- so he really only needs 1 pair of booties because I'm sure he will be barefoot 99% of the time.
I don't like the carters ones, you know the converse style shoes? I like old fashioned, adorable, puffy baby booties. Can't find em! I looked on amazon, JCPenny, every wal mart of meijers I go to... just can't find what I'm looking for. He only needs 1 pair so I want to make sure they're extra cute ;)
I'm looking for this kind of classic / simple style:


OR I would also like something like this with a little animal on them:


Anyone know a place online?

This question was asked Mar. 11, 2013 6:07pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Mar. 12, 2013 6:48pm
Hmm, looks like the URL got cut off, here's a shorter one:


If that doesn't work, look for the store by NatkaLV - she has some adorable stuff!

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Answered by luvbeingmummy - Mar. 11, 2013 10:21pm
I love Etsy. They have everything!

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Answered by brittthomp4 - Mar. 11, 2013 8:18pm
http://tinytoesandthings.blogspot.com/ My friend makes these and they are cheap and super cute! They are more like slippers though but take a look!

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Mar. 12, 2013 6:46pm
This is the pair from your post (you may have already found them) on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/listing/123213724/felted-baby-booties-with-leather-soles?ref=sr_gallery_23&ga_search_query=felted+baby+booties&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all

Her store has some others. Looks like Etsy really is the way to go. To find them I searched by "Felted Baby Booties" which may give you better results.

Good luck!

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Mar. 12, 2013 6:52pm
And how cute are these (for newborns)??

Ok, I'm done now ;)

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Answered by Barbie - Mar. 11, 2013 6:11pm
Sorry for the dramatic title, I know I still have 6 weeks but I don't want to wait till the last minute haha.

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