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Category: Baby Names

Asked by a member

Q: Name association.... Some advice on names!

Hey ladies, I have a baby name book and a part of the book is a section on name association. You can pick a certain trait and then they list names that people associate with that trait. For example poeple generally think Alyssa= Sweet girl, Brock=Strong, Lara=Blonde. Things like that. Just when they see that name and they are picturing who that person is going to be.... so now the real question Im going to give you the names I like and Id love for you guys to do some association for me.

BOYS- Jesse
GIRL- Sadie

What do you guys think?

This question was asked Mar. 25, 2013 11:13am
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by LalaRiley - Mar. 25, 2013 5:01pm
Jesse is my husbands name. It makes me think smart and caring with a stubborn side, but then again I really like my Jesse and haven't known many others. Sadie makes me think kind of a flower child, in a good way. Very green and environmental.

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Answered by lyssa787 - Mar. 25, 2013 4:43pm
I'm in agreement with Nesssicle on Jesse - it makes me think of Only the Good Die Young. I'm not even sure why.
Sadie I think of earthy and green -happy girl who's down to earth. :)

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Answered by Emma78 - Mar. 25, 2013 12:37pm
Jesse I think naughty. Mostly cause my daughter had a Jesse in her class that was naughty.

Sadie I think creative

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Answered by nesssicle - Mar. 25, 2013 2:00pm
Jesse to me means a rebel with a good heart
Sadie to me means a tomboy

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