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Category: Postpartum

Asked by FebBabyx

Q: Baby's first immunisations.

Hi, im a first time mum to my beautiful 8 week old daughter. DD has her first set of immunisations on Tuesday and I am so worried! I don't want her to be in pain. Can any ladies give me their experiences with how their children reacted to the jabs both having them done and the few days following? It would be much appreciated as im so anxious about her being in pain! I'm not looking for anybody to tell me that letting my baby have these injections is wrong because I have already made my decision about her receiving the jabs.

Thank you all x

This question was asked Apr. 7, 2013 2:13pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by Kimmiecat - Apr. 7, 2013 4:09pm
I haven't had my daughter yet, but if having a baby vaccinated is like vaccinating a puppy (I'm a vet
I compare most things to animals), its worse for you than the little one. My friends with kids agree.

Also, good for you for vaccinating. The more people that are vaccinated the safer we all are (herd immunity!) And the autism claims are false. It was one study that was unrepeatable. The author has admitted to making up data. The Lancet (journal it was published in) repudiate it.

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Answered by Razzle_ - Apr. 7, 2013 9:59pm
We had them two weeks ago. He was shocked which was followed by a scream but all settled again within minutes. That evening he had a raised temperature but was back to normal the next day. Honestly you will be fine!

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Answered by FebBabyx - Apr. 9, 2013 10:52am
Thanks for all your answers ladies, DD had her injections this morning.. She cried for around 5 minutes then had a bottle and went to sleep. Me on the other hand, I was a crying mess! I felt terrible seeing her in pain. I have bought some infant Calpol to give her incase she develops a fever. Thanks again xx

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Answered by maggie22 - Apr. 7, 2013 9:35pm
My baby crired but as soon as i picked him up he stopped. :(

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Answered by BabyDaisy - Apr. 7, 2013 2:39pm
I can totally sympathise; I was terrified before my LO's first immunisations. Obviously it wasn't super pleasant, but it was so much better than I thought it would be! She had one big scream, but was calm again a minute afterwards. She didn't get a fever at all. To be honest, she was unusually cross for a few days following it, so she must have felt a little poorly, but nothing too bad. Exactly the same thing happened after the second set. I wouldn't worry about it too much - I think it's much harder on the adult than the kid. GL!

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Answered by momtobe1992 - Apr. 8, 2013 3:31pm
My baby had his first immi shots about 2 weeks ago also. He was crying really bad when he was getting them, I felt so bad, I felt like crying :(. He calmed down after a little while. But throughout the day he was a little fussy and then got a slight fever, so I gave him some Tylenol to help. It was pretty rough seeing my baby go through that :(. I hope u have a better experience as every child reacts differently.

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Answered by nikkiblueeyes - Apr. 7, 2013 2:36pm
hey girlie!! all babies react differently to immunisations but Ellis was absolutely fine, tiny bit cranky for a few hours but it diddnt seem to bother him! georgia will be fine and the health visitor or whoever is doing the injections will give you aftercare advice and what to expect! i know how your feeling though i felt horrible taking him but she will be fine xxx

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