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Category: Baby Gear

Asked by Pearly

Q: Baby Roues Stroller

My friend told me about the Baby Roues Letour stroller--it's a pretty new company, and has a bassinet and seat for the baby...has anyone heard of it or had good experience with it? I want to hear some reviews before I buy it. Any help is greatly appreciated--thanks!!

This question was asked May. 3, 2013 9:08pm
Category: Baby Gear

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Answered by hopefullll - May. 3, 2013 11:44pm
I have a different approach on strollers but perhaps because I am fairly frugal. Fancy, expensive strollers aren't for everyone. I am not a huge walker in that I only walk around the block a few times a week so a cheaper stroller was perfect. I find a lot of strollers are over priced and the prettier the more the price goes up. Do not spend hundreds of dollars on one unless you plan to really use it, this was the best advice I was ever given. I do agree with redrouge though, if you plan to back to back children, go with a double for sure.

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Answered by redrouge - May. 3, 2013 9:44pm
i have never heard of them but if i could give you some advice i wish someone had gave me.buy a buggy that turns into a double buggy espically if ure planning anymore kids..im expecting my 3rd and i spent a fortune on my first buggy and i loved it.then bought a double that i hate and now have to buy a buggy that can be double or single..i would recomemed the i candy blossom...something to think of...

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