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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by usmcwife317

Q: Cloth diapers. Yea or Nay?

I've already told myself that I would like to use cloth diapers instead of disposables whenever we have our little bundle of joy. Now that we just found out I'm pregnant my heart is definitely set on it and I decided to research the whole thing in general. Has anyone used cloth diapers before or plan on it? If you did, was it easier/better then what you thought? Hubby thinks it's gonna be a pain and take too long to do what you have to do to clean them.

This question was asked Jun. 21, 2013 1:41pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by usmcwife317 - Jun. 22, 2013 1:32am
I definitely plan on trying them out, see how I like them.. I was curious about diaper rashes, if the baby would get them more from cloth then disposables. Guess it would depend on the skin sensitivity and how often you change the diaper. Thanks for the responses ladies! :)

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Answered by bdawn8403 - Jun. 21, 2013 9:56pm
Would definitely not try. They are somewhat expensive and you have to keep up with them laundry wise so kind of have to have a good amount available to you. Also when you are out you have to carry that diaper around with you until you can wash it. Ewww. There are reasons why we are an advanced society and have things like formula and disposable diapers.

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Jun. 21, 2013 9:06pm
I asked my mom about these because she cloth diapered 4 children, and then she started my younger brother on cloth and eventually went disposable.
My mom said the biggest drawback for her was that we all got horrible diaper rash with the cloth diapers and once she switched to disposable for him, it was drastically reduced. My husband has extremely sensitive skin and I know he had similar issues, so that is a big negative for me.
I believe savings really kick in with multiple children.
I've read a lot though that says the negative environmental impact is likely just as great (if not worse) as disposables, because of all the laundry done/hot water used. Probably evens out in the end.
Since I don't see overwhelming positives going cloth, and a lot of additional work, I think we're going to stick with disposable.

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Answered by Allison3rdBump - Jun. 21, 2013 8:59pm
I agree that you can give them a shot and see how you like them. Some people love them, others hate them. My sister and sister-in-law both use them and love, I personally do not like them. My sister-in-law did say that she was glad that she didn't start using them until baby #2 but my sister used them with #1 and loved them!

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Answered by Emma82v - Jun. 21, 2013 7:08pm
I spent more money and got bum geniius 4.0 all in one one sized diapers. They have been on my daughter since she was 8 weeks old and she is now 17 months. I put an extra liner in for over night. I think they are super easy I throw them in the wash (anywhere from an extra sanitary run for really mushy poops to jus cold wash ) and in the dryer and voila ! I do 1/4 bleach the. Every month and run them through a wash after without detergent to make certain they are well rinsed but that is all. No stuffig no outer layers and waterproof covers. It's all together and I absolutely love them. The dollar store he these little baggies you can get in rolls to put your diapers in when on the road and wash when you come home. I absolutely love them and baby #2 is all set for diapers. Now there will be real savings :)

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Answered by Ringwraithfreak - Jun. 21, 2013 5:24pm
With my daughter I spent 200-250 bucks on cloth diapers and that will last for her and it will last for the baby im pregnant with too, hopefully for all my future babies. I will have to buy a few more things but I do it to save money. That's the only reason, throw away diapers are expensive. Cloth diapers are annoying to clean but are way worth the savings. I clean them every other day, rinse, hot long wash, rinse, rinse, rinse. hang dry covers and dry everything else. It takes about 2-2.5 hours for all the washing. Its not hard just have to keep turning the damn thing back on lol!

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Answered by essemkay - Jun. 21, 2013 3:42pm
I wanted to, but we have a well which wouldn't have held up to the washing demands, so we would have had to use a diaper service which, in our area, works out to be a little more costly than disposables. Also, I work full-time and none of the daycares I interviewed would cloth diaper. To purchase cloth diapers AND disposables was crazytrain, so I'm saving the planet in other ways.

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Answered by Quartz3 - Jun. 21, 2013 3:36pm
I agree with the previous poster. It's hard to tell whether you're going to like it before you try it; some people hate clothe diapering, others swear by it. So it's worth a try! I'm pregnant with my first baby and both my partner and I intend on using cloth diapers, or trying to at least. We bought a starting kit off Kijiji, and we figure if we don't like it, we can always switch back to disposable. We are going to use disposables for the first month or so though, to give ourselves time to adjust to having a newborn and all that comes with it.
I'm also planning on using reusable wipes; it seems simpler than cloth diapering, so I tell myself I'll still do something good for the environment if it turns out cloth diapers aren't for me. Good luck!

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Answered by Emma78 - Jun. 21, 2013 3:34pm
I didn't like them. We are always going or doing something. It was easier to throw out disposables then take home 3 dirty diapers. If we were home more I think they would have been fine. I agree with Kelliers buy a few to see if you like them.

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Answered by kelliers - Jun. 21, 2013 2:03pm
Try it and if you don't like it after a week or two switch to disposable. Buy four or five and if you like it you can buy more.

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