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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Nickylou203

Q: Starving and feeling so heavy at 19 weeks !

Hi ladies .I had the great all day sickness and at 19 weeks have lost 6 lbs .Well ..by a miracle of god it's gone (for now ,fingers crossed )I was about 175 before baby and wore a size 10-12. The last thing I ever expected to hear was I look tiny lol .About a week ago I didn't look pregnant and nurses would say I was tiny .Well my belly is huge now ! I feel like its popped out ! I looked semi bloated before -now strangers are asking about "the baby " ...I am glad to have my appetite back but I feel so full no matter what I eat .Like a water filled cow . Will this go away ? Also to describe my appetite..in the last 4 hours I had -3 pieces of pizza,bowl of Cheerios ,6 cookies ,and am still hungry .I need some advice on food that will actually fill me up i do try to eat healthy but tonight obviously not so much .I hate yogurt ,eggs&peanut butter .

This question was asked Sep. 19, 2013 6:37am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by mariedl - Sep. 20, 2013 5:40pm
Not to beat a dead horse, but...protein! Whole and/or sprouted grains! Like many pregnant women, meat was the first thing I had to avoid when I was going through morning sickness so I had to improvise. Pre-pregnancy, I loved protein bars, protein shakes, fiber bars, etc. You just have to be careful to get the ones with a good protein, calorie, fat, sugar, carb, fiber ratio. (It's not as complicated as it sounds!) For example, IsoPure protein drinks are amazing: 40g of protein in one bottle with only 160 calories! (GNC carries them.) However, there's no other nutritional value so you'll have to find vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. elsewhere. But it sure helps with feeling full and getting your protein quota in! Another strategy is to make a fruit smoothie w/o yogurt; just use frozen fruit, milk and protein powder for a great snack or breakfast. Without the protein powder (and yogurt), all you have is carbs and sugars that won't keep you full very long.

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Answered by Nickylou203 - Sep. 19, 2013 8:54pm
My nausea just totally decreased one day at about 18 close to 19 weeks and still comes back on occasion .but I usually don't end up throwing up .it was kind of all of a sudden .I get that pizza and cookies are not good choices .i usually try to eat lots of foods but I am terrified of meat since this whole hepatitis e broke out .

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Answered by ashleydshey - Sep. 19, 2013 6:12pm
A combo of protein and fiber will keep your body fuller longer. Fruits, veggies, good carbs (like oatmeal), and lean protein!!!!!! The bulkier your food is the longer it will take to digest. Therefore, you feel full for a longer amount of time! :)

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Answered by eag923 - Sep. 19, 2013 2:13pm
I agree with all these ladies. You're eating foods that are causing your blood sugar to spike then crash making you feel hungry. When I'm pregnant and not getting enough protein, I suffer bc I always feel hungry and am up all night looking for something to eat! Can you have the occasional pizza, cookie, cereal, etc? Of course! But your need to balance it out with protein and fruits/veggies. Fibrous fruits/veggies will fill you up as well as they are hard to digest and do not cause that spike in blood sugar. Apples are a great choice! Cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium as well. Try cheddar cheese on whole wheat crackers with a couple slices of apple. Good for you and for baby!

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Answered by lobethh - Sep. 19, 2013 1:44pm
I absolutely second what kelliers said - you need protein. I've found that my new favorite thing to munch on is cottage cheese.

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Answered by Lou_85 - Sep. 19, 2013 12:54pm
I know exactly how you feel I'm 17 weeks and I have been so sick I ended up in hospital vomiting pure blood last week, apparently morning sickness had caused a ruptured vessel in stomach :( I have no appetite still and still being sick, I had apt yesterday and I've lost 8lbs from 12weeks :( my belly just looks like I'm fat or bloated I feel so awful right now. When did you start to get appetite back and stop being sick? I can't cope with much more sickness.

You need to eat plenty of meat , take in protein and some carbs too. :) if you hate yogurt could you not have a glass of milk with your dinner? That's what I try to do, I normally have a pint of milk when I eat my dinner.

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Answered by kelliers - Sep. 19, 2013 11:57am
80-100* Sorry.

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Answered by kelliers - Sep. 19, 2013 11:55am
Protein. Your baby needs it-you should have 8-100 grams a day. None of what you ate had any substantial protein in it. You need lean meats, skim milk/cheese/yogurt, beans, eggs and other foods that will actually provide you with fuel. When you do eat carbs, they should be whole grain (no pizza and cookies) to give you fiber and not cause crashes. If you don't like yogurt and eggs try making smoothies with yogurt in it or incorporating eggs into a dish.

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