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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by a guest

Q: 2nd baby- 22 weeks, not gaining weight

Hi, just wondering if anyone else has found weight gain entirely different than the first pregnancy? I am in the healthy weight (pre-pregnancy) range (at the lower end) and have gained nothing yet! bump is growing and baby measuring right on for dates.
I feel like I am eating enough and drinking plenty, just seems that I can't gain anything??

This question was asked Jan. 15, 2012 8:16pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by a guest - Jan. 17, 2012 5:22pm
Also, Have you been really sick? I'm 17 weeks and LOST 20 lbs and have only gained back 7 because of vomitting so much. And you also are running after another kid so you're prob more active this time. I really wouldn't worry about it too much it sounds like you're doing everything right and are just lucky!!! Enjoy the bump!

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Answered by asfarflaf - Jan. 16, 2012 6:39am
don't worry! my first pg, i gained 36 lbs. my second, i lost and gained and evened out. my third, i lost 40 lbs. (i am overweight, but it was nothing to worry about, baby was gowing fine and i was getting a huge stomach!). this pg so far i have lost 12 lbs in 6 weeks, but i am 14 weeks pg. as long as dr isn't worried, try to relax.

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Jan. 15, 2012 8:38pm
This does happen. Some women gain up 10-15 lbs their whole pregnancy. Until your dr says otherwise, i dont think you have anything to worry about.

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Answered by krittarae - Jan. 16, 2012 3:02pm
At my 18 week visit I had only gained 2 lbs. Then for weeks later I had gained plenty more....although I think some of it was water retention...if the doc isn't upset or worried, just keep doing what you're doing. Eat well, drink lots and enjoy the baby bump!!

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