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Category: Baby Names

Asked by nono03

Q: Emery for a girl?

Since we started trying to conceive two years ago I always imagined having a little girl name Emery. I heard the name once on a girl and I love it. But now that I'm looking up more info I keep seeing that this is a boy's name. And I just don't want her to be teased you know...

This question was asked Dec. 20, 2013 8:52pm
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by Jamie-Lee - Jan. 3, 2014 5:50pm
I love the name Emery for a girl! I even thought about that for another girl, but decided on another name when DH said he didn't like it. lol.

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Answered by MonicaDreamsOf3 - Dec. 23, 2013 4:36am
I love the name Emery for a girl! To me, it sounds more like a girl name. Both of my girls have names that were traditionally boy names: Bailey & Avery.

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Answered by ashleydshey - Dec. 21, 2013 1:00am
I like it way more as a girl name.

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Answered by Queenmommy0914 - Dec. 20, 2013 8:56pm
I think that Emery is cute. I don't want to tell you what to do lol But I think that the spelling, "Emarie" would be pretty and more feminine. Overall, I like the name and it doesn't sound very boyish to me. It's like the name Avery. I heard that it's mostly a boy name but it is an adorable girls' name!

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