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Category: Postpartum

Asked by girlynurse17

Q: How to set visiting hours for baby's father (we're not together)?

I'm 35 weeks, and of course have been trying to hammer out the last details. Today I had a talk with the baby's father and realized he's expecting to be at my house pretty much all the time for the first few weeks after the baby is born. I DO NOT want to keep him from his son at all, but I'm also not comfortable with him being around that much and I don't think it will be helpful to me trying to settle in to mommyhood (since he can't provide any financial support I have to go back to work after 6 weeks so time is very precious).
Has anyone else been in this situation and if so what did you do to set boundaries? I don't even know how to broach the subject. Like, "oh hey by the way I don't really want you around that much when the baby comes, sorry you won't get much time with your newborn son". Any advice!?!?

This question was asked Jan. 5, 2014 12:11pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by Mommytotrinny - Jan. 8, 2014 4:08pm
Also so people don't think I'm just being mean my daughter fatherd put her up for adoption and my husband adopted her because he hadn't seen her in 6 months and did not want her(his words).. I am just saying the mom needs to make her decision and people might think it is wierd what she picks but you need to set boundaries. Good luck and I will be hoping for a safe delivery

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Answered by Krod0519 - Jan. 6, 2014 11:43pm
Sharing is hard, wish I could tell you it gets easier but having two daughters now that I share SUCKS. The best thing to do is be honest, give him scheduled times to see the baby, like in the morning when you want to shower and eat and maybe in the evening when you need a little break. Take all the time you need and want, its a hard thing to do, I wish you the very best :)

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Answered by Zarimomy - Jan. 5, 2014 1:16pm
I would tell him exactly how you feel with regard to you wanting him to be apart of his son's life but also that you would appreciate some time with your son alone since there isn't much benefit having in around 24/7 since he aint gonna be there to support you's financially. I believe that you have every right to set boundaries because you the one that will be there for your son financially as well as psychologically etc. You being selfless @ least giving him rights to see his son, he shouldn't take advantage of that privilege because I know some single parents that didn't allow the baby daddy's any where near the baby, so he should be grateful also should do things the way you want them. Best of luck. God bless.

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Answered by Mommytotrinny - Jan. 8, 2014 4:05pm
The guy who is my daughters real father was late to the delivery room because he didn't know what active labor was and he didn't know the birthing classes even after 4 classes.. so when he got there I was about to have her. He spent the night but wasn't letting me hold her a lot so I missed out on first couple day bonding.. I wasn't sleeping at all and she was really crabby. I made him leave when she was a day old and that was the best decision ever... If he is being to overbearing ask him to leave and take you home when you leave the hospital.. my sperm donor was allowed back in the house after 2 days and didn't show till she was 2 months old. You need to let him come over a lot but living with you is not an option and try doing every other day or for an hour here and there if he is close.. you need boundaries and if you are tense the baby will be really upset too.. just think what you want and tell him..

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