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Category: Postpartum

Asked by redrouge

Q: period period where arth thou..

so to cut a long story short i had elective c section on my twin boys almost 8 weeks ago and have had infection after ifection.my stitches open on both side and the infection went to my utures.since then ive been on a drip iv antibotic and 9 other antibotics in as many weeks.finally got all clear 3 days ago blood swab ect normal.the doc told me my period would be slower to come back cause ive been so ill.so noticed today ive very light bleeding.mybleeding has been very inconsistant since birth so dont know if its period or still post partum bleeding.i have to start birth control today if its period so im just wondering what should i do,i did nt breastfed and on my other 2 babys i got it at 7 week.opionins please..

This question was asked Jan. 11, 2014 4:18pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by yummymummy1991 - Jan. 12, 2014 10:23pm
Every birth can be totally different for every woman regardless of previous babies etc.
It's hard to say whether it will be your period or not because the time of starting again is so varied, breastfeeding or not. Starting bc again should almost kickstart it if it's the combined pill since it physically contributes to controlling the hormones.
With having infections it's bound to upset the mix a bit and may take longer to heal overall and then the body to adjust to the trauma. I hope you figure it all out!

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