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Category: Postpartum

Asked by GLMyers1986

Q: First cycles Postpartum...HELP!?!?!???

I believe my body us doing a early spring cleaning. I spotted for about 10days and have bled for 10days. Now passing clots.
Having stabbing in my boob sometimes both.
Today is the heaviest flow of the 20days.
Do you think this is normal?
In away with all I've heard it seems normal but how long are you supposed to bleed?
Baby will be 6 months February13th. Took 3 months for her pregnancy HCG to leave my body completely. I've also spotted for a 9-10 days in December. Spotted often in November as well.So I'm guessing this is my first period cycle after baby!?!??
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This question was asked Jan. 24, 2014 10:36pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by Eluria88 - Jan. 25, 2014 9:36am
It's really hard to say, everyone is so different. After my first was born I bled for 5 months straight non-stop. I quit for 2 weeks then started again and it lasted for 13 days. I stopped again for 3 weeks then started for 7 days, after that I went back to a regular cycle.

After my second I bled for 2 months straight then was on a normal cycle after a 4 week break. So my second felt "normal" but my first scared me, but turned out fine.

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Answered by gotababylady - Jan. 25, 2014 9:25pm
With my second I actually didn't ever stop bleeding on my own. I had to go see the doc and they gave me some pill to take for it to stop. I can't remember what they gave me as that was eight years ago but I think you should call your doc and see what they say.

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