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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by queenbee1

Q: Spotting after sex?!?

I found out I was preg when I was 4 w 4 d pregnant and me and partner haven't had sex since, yesterday we had sex for the first time since at 7 w 6 d (tmi quite rough sex) and straight after I had a bright colour blood on a wipe I cleaned with which went after 4 cleaning motions and partner had abit of blood on his genital area
Obviously worried as this is my first Preg so called early Preg Unit and they said if I get pains or anything to come in.
Later on that day I had sharp pain lasted 10 mins on left hand side stomach ache and persistent sharp back ache at bottom back I went back to docs she did urine tests, blood pressure, belly feeling and everything was fine and Preg test still showing pregnant. I did not have a scan which.I.really wanted to make sure everything's ok (is this pos?)
The doc sent me away saying "every bleed any.woman has in pregnancy we treat as a threat MC and to keep an eye out even though everything is fine"
I'm now worried and dont know what

This question was asked Jan. 27, 2014 10:56am
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by MamaKB18 - Jan. 27, 2014 1:39pm
I had spotting after sex at 7 weeks and am now 30+ weeks. This is my 4th child and I had never spotted with my other pregnancies before (except my 2 mc) so I was terrified! Dr told me it is VERY common to have spotting after sex as your cervix is still low and is very sensitive. Persistent cramping while bleeding is cause for concern but can also be nothing at all. I was told to refrain from sex and rest for a few days. I hope everything is ok and you have a happy and healthy pregnancy :)

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