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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by museli

Q: When did you first *see* your baby kick?

I'm 23 weeks 1 day today with my first pregnancy. I feel like I have a really active baby in there as I can feel kicking upwards of 30mins straight and gaps of only an hour or so between sessions.

I've also seen online women who look almost-full-term with their tummies bare and you can see the baby wriggle and kick.

So my question was; when (if you did) did you start *seeing* your baby kick? I just had a little bout of kicks then and decided to watch my tummy and I think I saw it happen. I would've thought I'd be way too early to start seeing anything (especially since I was a bit overweight pre-pregnancy).

Am I imaging it? :D

This question was asked Feb. 3, 2014 12:40am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by WaldoBaby - Feb. 3, 2014 3:37pm
Hello museli!
I started feeling what I knew for sure was kicks at about 17 weeks. I was wondering the same, when was I going to see them!? I could actually poke my belly and she would kick back that early, but if I wasn't doing that I couldn't see it.
I finally started noticing my belly jumping at 20 weeks. So, I would say you are not crazy! I am 23 weeks tomorrow, and last night I was watching her kick/squirm in my stomach all over the place. Very noticeable, I think in a few weeks I will be able to tell what body part it is. She was really tearing it up in there! Lol.
Enjoy! :)

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