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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by kaylia2oo5

Q: Pregnancy Announcement Date?

Wondering how many ladies actually held off until the end of the first trimester to announce their pregnancy? I'm currently 10w3d pregnant. I have an at-home fetal doppler, which I've been able to pick the heartbeat up on (on a daily basis now), everything is going great. I have my first prenatal appointment this morning- if the Doc says everything is fine, do you think it'd be alright to announce the pregnancy in the next few days? Only CLOSE friends & family know as of right now! TIA.

This question was asked Feb. 4, 2014 12:53pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by tasha* - Feb. 4, 2014 4:58pm
We told everyone we was doing IVF so we had to tell everyone if we was successful. I think its down to you whether you want to tell people or not.

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Answered by Eluria88 - Feb. 4, 2014 5:10pm
I'm holding off until 20 weeks because I'm terrified since I've had a loss, but if you're feeling confident and feel everything is going well then i don't see why not :) I just worry mine won't make it and I can't handle telling people again that I've been carrying a dead baby for 2 months. I don't handle that kind of attention very well.

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Answered by annbalatbat - Feb. 5, 2014 2:59am
i announced it after surpassing first 13 weeks, i had 2 losses thats why we decided to announced it after ensirung everythings fine

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Answered by kmcbump - Feb. 6, 2014 10:51am
im desperate to tell people. im 6+1 today and have told my brother and best friend. want to tell my mum asap but want to do it face to face. my partners daughters mum is getting told after our first mw apt and then everyone else is after the 12 week scan. that's the plan anyways - whether it will stay like that is another matter lol!

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Answered by chehowca - Feb. 4, 2014 2:07pm
I didn't publicly announce until 16 weeks. I'm a cautious person though. :)

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Answered by Beccalou - Feb. 4, 2014 6:35pm
My husband and I each told a close friend right away. We chose people who we would tell if there was a loss, so they might as well know. We're going to tell our parents at 7.5 weeks, after we've seen the heartbeat, and probably go more public around 12. I couldn't totally wait, I was too anxious and excited!

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Answered by jennavee - Feb. 4, 2014 3:08pm
I'm horrible at secrets....I told everyone like the day after we found out....I think I was like 4 and a half weeks.

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Answered by MyluckyduckKara - Feb. 5, 2014 1:46am
I'm terrible with secrets! My close family and friends all knew right away. We heard the heartbeat and saw little bean yesterday at 6w5d...we officially announced yesterday. We had tried for over 14 months...I wasn't holding back any longer!!

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Answered by mrsamanda - Feb. 4, 2014 3:50pm
We held off until about 10 weeks. It was New Year's Day and I was almost 11 weeks. I had already been to the doctor and had 2 ultrasounds and everything seemed to be going great. Still is! Bad things can happen at anytime. So whenever you feel the most comfortable. I was still scared out of my mind that I was going to jinx it or something after I announced, but it's been fine ever since and I'm about to be 16 weeks!

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Answered by Ambience - Feb. 4, 2014 8:09pm
I think it was several weeks into the second trimester. Definitely not the first. Only a couple of close family knew before that and were sworn to secrecy :)

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