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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by jami3l3388

Q: I'm scared...!!!!!

i'm 2 days away from being 5 weeks.....and this is my first pregnancy. I've started to develop a sore throat and sneezing and now a stuffy nose i've read in a lot of places it's common but how many ppl really get like this.....it's really got me freaking out.....Help!!!!!!!

This question was asked Jul. 21, 2011 5:11am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by fisch331 - Jul. 22, 2011 2:46pm
Dont worry, Most people before they know they are pg go into the docs office for cold symptoms. As long as you rest up and make sure to drink fluids like its going out of style, you and little bean will be fine.

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Answered by airiesing - Jul. 21, 2011 11:50am
don't get freaked out, you've got a lot of time between you & your bundle chances are you're gonna catch something before it's all said & done. I'd say try a neti pot. If you're not familiar, it's basically a saline flush. You can get them at the drug store pretty readily these days. I'm a singer by trade & we all swear by them! Warm water & a pinch of salt (kosher or sea, not table) Put it in one side of your nose, lean over the sink & tilt your head to let it come out the other side. It's supposed to be 1 pot on each side but I only do half. have some tissue handy to blow your nose after each side....sounds gross but it's not really & it's a proven chemical free way to clear out all of the environmental junk we breathe everyday! Some folks do it every day & swear it keeps their allergies & whatnot at bay, I just do it during colds or as needed. Good luck!!

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