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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by Peanut101

Q: It's a girl! ... MAYBE

I know it's early, but (without asking although wanting to find out) my OB told us she is "fairly certain" that we are having a girl.. however not to go out shopping!

This was at 16 weeks.. I am now at 18.

THis HALF knowing is driving me insane.. I keep wanting to refer to my baby as "she" only to realize that there is still a chance of it being a little boy!

I wouldn't mind either way (although I think hubby wants some blue booties...) The waiting until the next appointment (in 2 weeks) is driving me insane..

ANY thoughts on the ultrasound gender predictions - especially if you've had one that changed will be most welcome!


This question was asked Jan. 27, 2012 11:04am
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by danni179 - Jan. 27, 2012 6:11pm
i wouldn't rely on "early predictions" if they say its a boy (then its a boy) but a girl can still be 50/50. Good Luck ! I have 5 weeks before my sex scan...hoping my peanut doesn't cross its legs or turn its back on us :)

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Answered by NewBeginnings79 - Jan. 27, 2012 4:11pm
I had an ultrasound at 12 weeks, and was pretty much given the same story... the ultrasound tech said he was quite certain we'd be having a girl, but that we shouldn't paint the nursery until it's confirmed at our 20 week! I couldn't believe he would say this so early on, but my boyfriend and I decided he wouldn't have said anything unless he was pretty certain. Up until 12 weeks, we'd been referring to our little peanut as "he" (boyfriend is really hoping for a son :) and now we have totally shifted to "she." But then we keep telling ourselves... "she, but not definitely, but probably." Ha! Either way we're both going to be thrilled, but I had no idea how much this sex thing would mess with my head! Good luck to you... hopefully these 2 weeks go by quickly for you!

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Answered by armortellaro - Jan. 27, 2012 4:05pm
At 16wks I was told a girl......18wks definitely a boy. Keep your receipts either way :)

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