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Category: Postpartum

Asked by Jelly-Bean

Q: Breastfeeding and weightloss.. pls help

With my firstborn I lost a few kg straight away and remember struggling to lose weight until she weaned..
This time seems worse as I've lost only a couple and now the scale's not budging.
I've started exercising (just walks since i am only 3 weeks pp)
But nothing!!
I am getting really depressed since nothing fits and my hubby doesn't understand that I still look pregnant.. (among other hurtful remarks)
I am determined to lose more weight before my baby weans..
Any help or advice pleeease??!!
Really down about this.. thanks..

This question was asked Aug. 5, 2014 5:36am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by darladybug - Aug. 5, 2014 10:28pm
I know this won't help as much as I would like it to, but you will get there. It takes dedication and patience as you know from before. I had gained a lot of weight with my first, 65 lbs. I was very down on myself and nothing obviously fit me. It took me 14 months to get back to pre-pregnancy weight for me. The only difference is my husband was very encouraging and always said I was beautiful no matter what size. Do you think he knows he's being this way? Sometimes men can be so clueless it's ridiculous. I don't know if this helps, but I regret being so obsessed with my weight after my son. I feel like I should have enjoyed that time rather than beating myself up. I am sure you will be successful, and speak your mind to him.

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Answered by HzlGreenEyes - Aug. 5, 2014 3:56pm
I would make an appointment with your General Practitioner also along with continuing and excercise regimen. There is a possibility that after pregnancy, your hormones have changed and may have thrown off your thyroid. I found this out after my miscarriage that my thyroid levels were off and I have Hypothryroidis3m which the doc put me on Levothyroxine. I noticed a difference after 7 days of taking it I lost 5 lbs! Get your TSH levels checked, from there they can check your free T3 and T4 levels.

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Answered by MDD2011 - Aug. 5, 2014 3:47pm
(was cut off, sorry)... myfitnesspal.com is a great tool and can help you set realistic goals. If you have a ton to lose, up to 2 pounds a week is reachable, but usually 1 pound a week is healthy for your body and you can maintain your weight that way once you reach your goal. Good luck and just remember your body just gave you a beautiful baby!!

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Answered by MDD2011 - Aug. 5, 2014 3:46pm
I haven't had my DD yet (she's my first), but have lost weight in the past (40 pounds) before getting pregnant. Weight loss is hard no matter what - whether it's a few pounds here or there, a lot of pounds, after a baby, whenever. Your body just created another life!!!! How amazing is that?!?!?!??! SO AMAZING. Your body is a wonderful thing and I know it's easy to be hard on it (and hurtful when others are). Keep doing your best with breastfeeding, eat healthy, exercise to whatever amount you are able to. Walking is great. You're doing great. And I second what Sianny said - don't punish yourself for slip ups or binges. We are human. Don't deprive yourself of the things you're wanting, just eat them in moderation. And slips ups and binges will happen and it's ok. Enjoy it while you're doing it, especially if it's at a celebration, party, etc. and then the next day you'll go back to eating healthy. The website/app myfitnesspal.com is really helpful at keeping you accountable.

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Answered by prinder - Aug. 5, 2014 8:00am
Your DH sounds like an insensitive clod. The next time he questions how your body looks, you should tell him how he thinks HIS body would look after carrying something the size of a water mellon and then PUSHING IT OUT. Frankly, I would have been sorely tempted to throw objects at my DH if he was so snarky to me.

As for weight loss: Slow and steady wins the race. People who crash/fad diet or try to lose weight as quickly as possibly often do damage to their bodies and are more likely to gain it all back + some more in the long run. Even if you're feeling disheartened by a lack of noticeable change at the moment, just keep doing what you're doing and you'll find that it will be well worth it. Also keep in mind, if you do to much, you'll effect the quality of the milk your baby gets so take it easy.

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Answered by Sianny - Aug. 5, 2014 6:59am
It takes a lot longer for your body to snap back into shape with every pregnancy after the first. Some people are lucky and get their quickly and others are not so much. I actually put on weight after my first which took a year to shift even though I breastfed and took up Zumba.
When you start exercising or watching what you eat it can take up to three weeks for the benefits to show slowly at first and then steady as long as you are true to food. Never punish yourself for slip ups or binges.
Patience is also required but also stand up for yourself, don't put up with people saying hurtful things if my hubby said things that hurt me I'd chuck him out till he apologises but I'd also just check to see if I was being rational or slightly hormonal first before hand lol.
This could be a long road or it might happen when you least expect it.
If all else fails pop to you Dr for great advice on loosing the weight tailored for you and your circumstances x Stay strong hunni

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