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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by spudster

Q: Has anybody else have cramping because the scar tissue from C-section stretching?

I went into the doctors yesterday because I had been cramping all weekend. After running through the gamete of tests I was told my cramping was possibly a result of my scar tissue from my previous C-section stretching? The baby is fine and all the tests came back normal...Doctor said chalk it up as growing pains. Can the pain really be from my scar tissue?? Has anybody else experienced this?

This question was asked Jul. 26, 2011 8:37pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by spudster - Jul. 27, 2011 9:03pm
dmpage-I am 17 weeks along!!

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Answered by dmpage - Jul. 27, 2011 8:29pm
I'm guessing that's what I'm experiencing!?!? Hmmm! First pregnancy was vaginal and so the second pregnancy didn't have this cramping. 2nd pregnancy was c-section so this is my first post-c-section-pregnancy. I thought I had just 'overdone it' the other day and was having cramping. Down low. I did begin to worry and told myself if it was still there in the morning, I'd go into the doc's. Now, I'm curious if it IS scar stretching. How far along are you? I'm 23 weeks.

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Answered by a guest - Jul. 27, 2011 4:18pm
i've had 3 sections and it is like growing pains as you get bigger and the baby moves more you will get more discomfort but there is nothing to worry about as it is all normal. its your scar streching

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Answered by a member - Jul. 27, 2011 11:52am
I haven't had a c-section, but I have had open surgery for an ectopic pregnancy and have had cramping where the scar tissue is (close to the scar and on the side where my tube was removed).
Scar tissue obviously isn't as supple as muscle etc and so is more painful when it stretches. I'm 20 weeks now and it's not as bad as it was.

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