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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by MChick617

Q: 25 weeks...Already gained 25 lbs!

I am 25 weeks tomorrow, and I have already gained 25lbs. Which is about 10lbs over what I should be according to my doctor. She isn't concerned, but I am. I am not eating any more than normal, and I do not look like I have gained a lot of fat, and my belly is measuring fine. I don't know what is going on! Anyone else gained like this?

This question was asked Mar. 17, 2015 1:44am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by nreiselpn - Mar. 17, 2015 3:11pm
I'm only 20 weeks and have gained 35lbs I started off at 120 and am now 155 I do have love handles now and my legs are bigger as well as by boobs they started out at 36b I'm now a 38d and they are still growing I eat healthier then most an idea is what's in my lunch now a bag of almonds a slice a wheat bread an avocado and a bag of carrots I don't drink anything except water with a glass or 2 of almond milk point being I couldn't eat better if I tried I work 55+ hours a week walk my 2 dogs and chase my 3 kids around remember your body knows what it's doing and so long as your doing what your supposed to and your doctor's not concerned Your all good I know it's not easy seeing the numbers on the scale go up but.....after 8 pregnancies I was able to return to my previous baby figure maybe a little less firm but all in all 3 healthy children and 1 more on the way I could complain but who would listen lol.....

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Answered by Quartz3 - Mar. 17, 2015 12:17pm
As long as you're eating healthy stuff and getting some exercise it, I wouldn't worry. I personally tend to gain most of the weight in the first and second trimesters - I go through a period where I gain 2 pounds a week! Right now I'm 29 weeks and have gained 27 pounds. I also gained rapidly when I was pregnant with my son, but I still only gained 35 lbs in the whole pregnancy. My doctor isn't worried either. You'll be just fine!

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Answered by RedBetty - Mar. 17, 2015 7:48am
I will be 25 weeks tomorrow too and just like you, i have gained the same amount of weight as you. My doctor is also not worried, he says it is perfectly okay. Like you, I can't help marveling at the weight gain because i haven't really increased my food intake and I don't look like I have gained that much. But as long as we are healthy and the little ones are fine, that's what counts, right?

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