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Category: Is It Safe?

Asked by a member

Q: Skeptical about intercourse now? PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE IS IN THE SAME BOAT!!

I will be 20 weeks on Wednesday and dh and I have not BDced yet! I was doing progesterone suppositories the first tri but that wasn't the only reason we never had intercourse. We had been trying for almost 2 years so we did not want to risk anything (although intercourse is considered safe). We haven't talked about it much either. I feel like he feels uncomfortable about the whole idea. I am not too big yet but getting there...eventually will be. Sex is not a priority of course, don't get me wrong. I just feel like he feels uncomfortable doing it while I am pregnant. Well half the time he is exhausted from work. I know he wouldn't mind if we did either. Basically my question is...is this a weird way of thinking? Am I the only one? Would it hurt if we tried to now or should we just not even bother since it can be new to my body after not doing it for a while? What are your experiences? I am sorry this question/post is weird but I would really appreciate some feedback. Thk you all!

This question was asked Feb. 12, 2012 7:22pm
Category: Is It Safe?

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Answered by Love00 - Feb. 16, 2012 7:01am
sageviolet- So true. Emotionally we feel so much closer....closer than we ever did!

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Answered by sageviolet - Feb. 15, 2012 2:29pm
We're also not bding, but we're still making time to have fun together and meet each other's needs. You don't have to actually "do it" you know. Be creative! As for me, a good backrub with some massage oil can feel great. Communicate with each other about what you want, and think outside the v___. ;-)

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Answered by a member - Feb. 14, 2012 12:15am
We were scared to bd too, then once we got to the "safer zone" of 12 weeks, we decided we would try to bd then. Then, at that 12 week u/s, I had a sub. hemmorage and was put on pelvic rest. Then, we decided we might bd if we get the clear at the 20 week appt. Well, the hemmorage was still there, so we had to wait until the 28 week scan. Then, at the 28 wk scan I was put on strict bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy. So needless to say we have not bd'd since basically the week we conceived. I gave birth before I could get off bed rest and were allowed to finally bd, so now we have a three week old baby and of course still haven't! It was hard at times, and I was worried about our relationship and worried if bding would hurt, etc...but we have made it through...you are not weird for having your thoughts ...my dh was worried about doing it too.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 13, 2012 3:52am
I'm sure itd be a bit uncomfortable at first since it's been that long. Your not the only one thats not Bding a lot, I'll be 8 weeks tuesday and I think we've had sex twice since we found out. But to be truthful it'd probably feel pretty grand for you once you got over the uncomfortable bit since its been so long, distance does make the heart grow fonder or in this case abstinence makes the sex better. Good luck in whatever you decide, just if you do end up having sex just start out slow and easy and start with foreplay so that 1.) it'll last longer and 2.) it'll be easier on your body and won't hurt you as much if you didn't get warmed up.

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Answered by a member - Feb. 12, 2012 10:08pm
Read my post from yesterday...'Sex????'. I felt the same way and so did several other ladies. feel better don't worry.

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