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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Lolo1176

Q: Nutritional Do or Don't for fruits and veggies...

This is my first true pregnancy. I say it like that because I have had 2 prior but they both ended in an early m/c. The 2 I lost, the HCG levels never reached past 33 and this one, the level is much higher.

My nutritional question for you ladies is...I have been having a craving for raw peppers (Green, red, orange and yellow) But I read in the Dos and Don'ts of Pregnancy Nutrition in the Pregnancy Plus app that you need to reduce your risk for Listeriosis by not eating soft cheeses, raw veggies and unpasteurized milk. They mention to wash fruits and veggies before eating. So my question is...do I have to heat the fruit and veggies to eat them? Or is just cleaning them OK? I always cleaned my fruit in vinegar and water. Basically I put a little bit of vinegar in the kitchen sink and fill it with cold water and let the fruit soak for a bit...it helps prolong strawberries :) Is that how I should clean the veggies too? And is it OK to still eat my peppers or any veggies raw?

This question was asked Jul. 17, 2015 9:27pm
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by Lolo1176 - Jul. 20, 2015 6:54pm
Thank you so much ladies! You have definitely helped put my mind at ease. :)

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Answered by tmhess - Jul. 19, 2015 2:07am
I agree with everyone else, I eat a lot of veggies every day and I just wash them under running water.

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Answered by rcorinne - Jul. 19, 2015 1:43am
I've never been too worried about produce. I only rinse with tap. Food safety is a concern though. Watch out more for foods left out without refrigeration for too long, and remember to reheat leftovers, especially meat.

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Answered by Kitten90 - Jul. 18, 2015 8:17pm
Just wash them and it should be fine.

I can't eat raw veggies during pregnancy though because they make me sick if I eat them raw. Our digestive system slows WAY down during pregnancy, and raw veggies are harder to break down than cooked ones, and my body doesn't like that I guess lol

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Answered by taragaby - Jul. 18, 2015 8:20am
Personally I would wash the veggies in running water - in case you have bacteria in the sink - but I suppose that's a personal preference thing..

I have been eating lots of raw fruit and veggies - especially carrots and celery from wks 10-17 and then peaches/nectarines from wks 17-20. I think carrots helped with the nausea.

After my mcs I also cut out diet coke from my diet and was put on steroids - Prednisolone and progesterone - having a much better pregnancy this time - not sure what worked...but don't think how you wash your veggies is a significant factor to how a pregnancy develops..personal opinion only of course ;)

The reason I mention the diet coke is that there has been some research that concludes that artificial sweeteners can make you more insulin resistant - sorry don't have the link...but again the likelihood of that 'really' making a difference????

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Answered by kittenfur - Jul. 17, 2015 9:33pm
Yes, just wash really well. In all 4 of my pregnancies a have still eaten raw veggies. Don't much like them cooked a lot.

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