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Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

Asked by Gymnast36

Q: Losing weight in first trimester due to morning sickness.

I am 11 weeks 2 days and I have had really bad morning sickness since 6.5 weeks. I have been in the hospital once for three bags of fluids because I couldn't keep any food or water down. I am on tablets to stop the nausea but most of the time I vomit them back up before they can be absorbed or they don't work anyway. I have lost 7kgs so far and the morning sickness doesn't seem to be getting any better. Just wondering how much weight is too much to lose?

This question was asked Dec. 4, 2015 7:29am
Category: Nutrition, Weight & Fitness

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Answered by candychic577 - Dec. 5, 2015 2:44pm
I lost 8 1/2 lbs with my daughter in my first trimester...She is a healthy 20month old now!

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Answered by mnor0406 - Dec. 4, 2015 3:31pm
It really depends on how much you weighed before getting pregnant. If you had a little extra cushion don't worry too much but if you started out very slim you may want to talk to your doctor and see if they can help you not lose anymore. Baby will usually get what they need one way or another. I gave birth to a perfectly healthy 7lb2oz baby and was only up 8lbs at delivery. I lost a couple lbs the 1st trimester, gained some the 2nd trimester when I got my appetite back and then I actually lost 5 lbs during my 3rd trimester.

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Answered by pbc910 - Dec. 4, 2015 3:14pm
I lost about the same amount in the first trimester with no ill effect on my babies. Somehow, even though you are losing weight, it's basically just the baby taking all the calories and nutrients that you put into your body. I didn't even really have morning sickness and still lost that much. I ended up gaining it back PLUS another 30 lbs!

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Dec. 4, 2015 7:49am
Your baby is getting everything they need so don't worry at all. Try to avoid things that trigger your morning sickness and drink herbal teas that'll help to relax your tummy. Losing weight in the first trimester is very normal.

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