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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by Starshine22

Q: Please?!?

My last normal period was 1/12/16. I had spotting on 2/7/16 and that was on and off for a week and few days. I stopped spotting after that. I took tests and on here some of them look like they have a faint line, so I took a digital and it said not pregnant and with that coming back not pregnant I recorded the 7th being my period and just guessed that it was a weird period, but then last night I started spotting again and have been spotting today too. I haven't had a flow like period like I did last month. I'm so confused can anyone tell what they think please? We just started trying for baby number two last month. The faint lines got my hopes up and I felt so dumb for taking so many after the digital came back not pregnant. We also had sex on 2/21/16 and then right after that is when the spotting start again which was on 2/23/16 and it still going on today, it's brown. Has this happen to anyone and it turned out that they was pregnant even after tests came back negative?

This question was asked Feb. 25, 2016 6:27pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by PaperHeart - Feb. 28, 2016 2:15am
I think you're not getting answers because it's just impossible to guess at what's going on. By now, if you're not getting definite positives, I'd say pregnancy is unlikely. Could it have been a chemical? Could the faint lines have been shadowing? It's just hard to say. I can say that it seems par for the course that cycles go haywire whenever you start ttc. I've seen it and loved it over and over. Maybe it would help to start charting your cycles. Not always, but that can often give more insight just based on biological clues.

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Answered by Starshine22 - Feb. 27, 2016 2:39am
I have already posted it on there it's been posted on there for like two days and no one seems to want to answer it but I see other questions getting a ton of answers. That's why I posted it on here to see if anyone could answer it and help me understand what could be going on.

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Answered by traumaqueen - Feb. 27, 2016 2:19am
countdowntopregnancy.com might give you better answers to this question.

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