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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by lilianna45

Q: first pregnancy and worried about the changes in my body

Is it normal for a woman with already large breasts to get all sorts of weird things going on with her breasts during pregnancy? Like stretch marks, prominent veins, itchiness, white spots on nipples, black flecks on the nipple, a slightly larger bump than the rest on the areola, weird wrinkle like skin around the areola when it gets cold, and a tiny rash near the top of the breast- like a little area of tiny red bumps?

This question was asked Apr. 2, 2016 3:57am
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by traumaqueen - Apr. 3, 2016 10:13am
All sounds totally normal to me with the exception of the rash...but that could be anything. My boobs STILL hurt!! And itch...and the veins that were already big are even bigger. The anomalies on the areolas sound a lot like Montgomery tubercles and other normal changes. The white spots and black flecks I'm not sure about....my nipples have definitely changed colors and I guess I could say some areas look whiter than normal, but no black flecks. The only time I've ever had black flecks on my nipples is if my partner got a little over exuberant with them during foreplay and they got roughed up a bit.

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Answered by sunnysky - Apr. 11, 2016 4:02am
A lot of it sounds normal, but any rash, spots or dimples I would get checked out by a doctor asap just for peace of mind. Pregnant boobs are weird and wonderful things ;-)

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