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Joined Mar. 1, 2014 11:08am

kpax21's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 4, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old
Expecting: Twins

My Site Activity
Last Logged In: Jul. 29, 2020 2:18am
Jul. 28, 2015 9:07am » Posted a comment on an baby photo.
Forum Posts: 0
Questions & Answers:
Anonymous are not counted
Asked: 5
Answered: 15
Tags:  High Risk Pregnancy    Multiple Miscarriages    Pregnant after Miscarriage    Pregnant in my 20s    Pregnant with Multiples   

About Me

Positive pregnancy test 2/24/2014

Found out its twins 4/11/2014

Update: 5/29/14 Found out my twins are BOYS!!

17 weeks babies weighed 7oz each

21 weeks Baby A weighed 14oz
Baby B weighed 1lb 2oz

23 weeks had fetal echo done and both of the babies hearts looked great!

26 weeks Baby A 1lb 13oz
Baby B 2lbs 2oz

8/1/14 found out I have gestational diabetes

8/18/14 28 weeks Baby A 2lbs 13oz
Baby B 3lbs 3oz

9/15/14 33 weeks Baby A 4lbs 5oz
Baby B 4lbs 15oz

Baby boys birth date is set for October 15th, that is if they don't decide to come earlier. :) Excited to meet my boys!

Arthur Preston 5lbs 6oz and Sebastian Ripley 6lbs 8oz born October 2, 2014

Profile Comments for kpax21 (1)

Comment from Wildflower73 » Posted Jul. 18, 2014 1:47am
Congrats on your pregnancy!!! Two boys...how great!

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