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Joined Jan. 10, 2018 11:27am

elmasi's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 28, 2018
I have given birth!

My Journal

So different this time...
Posted Jul. 14, 2018 11:16pm - 352 views - 1 comment
This pregnancy seems so different than my others...never have I broken out so much while pregnant or struggled with my hair falling out :/ but on the flip side, my allergies are hardly bothering me, o... [Read more]
Looking good....
Posted Jun. 12, 2018 5:42pm - 296 views - 0 comments
had appt with the midwife today and everything's sounding good. Baby's apparently quite active and the heartbeat still takes a few minutes to find because it won't sit still. And everyone's sure it'... [Read more]
Posted Jun. 8, 2018 9:57pm - 322 views - 0 comments
It's been one rough day...since the moment this pregnancy began, we just can't seem to get a break. Last night I had good dreams of feeling the baby move (and maybe I really was feeling it move!). B... [Read more]
Could it be?
Posted Jun. 1, 2018 10:35am - 309 views - 1 comment
Did I feel movement? Laying in bed last night and I'm pretty sure I felt baby jump! This will be my 5th one, and I've always felt them earlier and earlier...so I guess it's no surprise but I wasn't ... [Read more]
13 weeks!
Posted May. 20, 2018 9:31am - 317 views - 0 comments
And pretty soon, I guess this belly will start giving away my secret...shhhh! But that's okay, having a pregnant belly has always been and probably always will be one of my most favorite things in li... [Read more]
Come on 2nd trimester!
Posted May. 4, 2018 7:38am - 297 views - 0 comments
Tired of being sooooo tired all the time...seriously, tho, I'm so fortunate to work from home this time. I have no idea how I'd get through the day at a 9-5. I have not ambition until the afternoon ... [Read more]
Baby names...
Posted Apr. 26, 2018 11:17am - 276 views - 0 comments
Does my husband have to have a say lol? Seriously, though, I feel so bad, if it's a boy we've discussed letting him pick...but the names he likes...sure am hoping it's a girl!!! lol! I'm just ridicu... [Read more]
Lucky me...
Posted Apr. 24, 2018 9:52am - 280 views - 0 comments
Got to hear that heartbeat today at my visit! I knew it was still early and that she might have a hard time finding it, but there it was, fast and strong <3 Thank goodness! And grateful as well f... [Read more]