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Joined Mar. 11, 2012 3:46pm

hopejosh's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 11, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Newark, United States

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My Journal

24 weeks Update
By hopejosh » Posted Sep. 21, 2014 12:16pm - 257 views - 1 comment

Things are going well. Had my anomaly scan follow up to get better pictures of her heart. Everything check outs normal and she is on target with weight and overall growth, maybe even slightly ahead. She is a wiggler, roller and a shaker :)

How far? 24 weeks. Cant believe I only have 106 days till we meet our baby!

Movements? Tons, mostly during the evening or morning.

Weight Gain? Yes, about 7 pounds so far. I was a little upset at myself, thought I could keep my weight gain at or about what it was with my son, 8 pounds. I just have to keep reminding myself that I was also 30 pounds heavier when I got pregnant with him. So ill be expected to put on just a bit more this around.

Maternity clothes? Not yet. I still have some larger clothes from before I lost 30 pounds so I will just most likely wear those lol. Until then, still in my same pre-pregnancy clothes :)

Cravings? I had a HUGE craving for Sesame Chicken and Mint Ice cream this week. Lol.

Belly Button in or out? In, will stay in too. I'm on the larger side, so it never has popped out.

Labor Signs? No, just Braxton Hicks. Which are becoming more frequent. I take that as I can't let things go that need to be done. I hate waiting for others to do things so I just say to heck with it and get it done myself. I know I need to start slowing down...ha ha lol

Mood? I've been a little moody lately. A lot has to do with everyone here being sick, my grandmother back in the hospital doing dialysis...just a lot going on.

I may have to cancel my next appointment for this Tuesday. Seems with the move/change of address and all, someone screwed up and now my kids' and myself have no insurance. I refilled out papers this last Tuesday, waiting to hear back if it was all fixed. From then on, my appointments will be every two weeks :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from hopejosh » Posted Sep. 23, 2014 6:20am
I guess my insurance is still active. Off to my appointment in just a few hours.

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