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Joined Dec. 5, 2013 10:43pm

Mommatoboys's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 29, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

38 weeks and completely exhausted!!!
By Mommatoboys » Posted Nov. 17, 2014 9:37am - 320 views - 2 comments

Just seems like my body has been going down since 37 weeks and won't bounce back. I'm so exhausted and I have to force myself to do anything. I'm trying to stay caught up on things around the house since I don't know when baby is coming and I don't want to come home to a ton of stuff that needs done. All I want to do though is lay down and sleep but when you have 3 other kids there is no resting. The kids have also been sick and getting me up at night which is only adding to exhaustion. I feel overwhelming guilt about not having the energy to do things with them or to keep the house as clean and organized as it once was. I know a lot of people would say who cares about the house but when you have OCD and can't stand a messy house it makes it hard not to care. I'm a stay at home mom so to me my job is to keep the house clean and tidy and take care of all the kids. My dh has been working so much overtime that he is no help at all at the house but I know he's doing what he needs to do for our family. I know things will be even more difficult once the baby gets here. I just hope I will feel a little better physically and can handle it better. I wish I wasn't so hard on myself over everything and realize that I am doing the best I can so I could just enjoy all this.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Mommatoboys » Posted Nov. 17, 2014 11:22am
I remember with my first sleeping whenever I wasn't working and not caring about the house haha. Dh wasn't to happy about that but I loved it:). Now I can't even squeeze in a little nap once in a while. I was all about this pregnancy dragging on in the beginning since it's my last but now I'm ready for him to be in my arms although I will miss my bump and feeling him move:).

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted Nov. 17, 2014 10:40am
I completely understand. I couldnt imagine doing it with 3 little ones though! Its very hard for me just to allow myself to settle down. Not much longer though!

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