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hopejosh's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 11, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Newark, United States

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37 Weeks, Just 14 Days to go!!!!
By hopejosh » Posted Dec. 22, 2014 9:42pm - 340 views - 0 comments

So I'm now 37 Weeks and feeling like a beached whale lol. I can hardly get out of bed or the tub without help. Thank God for my husband.

Braxton Hicks are killing me at this point. Not entirely regular but they are consistent. Drinking water, putting my feet up and taking warm showers/baths has offered very little relief. Even taking Tylenol does nothing to help. They are anywhere from 4-15 minutes apart. Wednesday at my NST they were registering on the monitor every 4.5 minutes apart. The on call Doctor didn't seem to be concerned about it tho and sent me on my way. It's not just the frequency, it's the intensity of them. some feel like nothing more than minor to moderate menstrual cramps. Other times, it feels like my uterus is being ripped away. Pain so bad that I can not move, literally brings me to my knees accompanied by a waterfall of tears.

Sleeping is virtually impossible these days, as I am sure most of you can relate. Getting comfortable is impossible and then add the leg cramps and the RLS...lets just say I'm even more exhausted than I was at this point with both my last two pregnancies. Twice today I needed to lay down. I, for the life of me could not keep my eyes open.

Just 14 days to go... I'm nervous. I know i'll get threw the surgery and everything will be fine. I'm just hoping that I don't bawl like a baby in the middle of the surgery again. Last time, my bp dropped and i felt like I was dying. I started crying to my midwife, "help me, help me, I don't feel right, i feel like im dying!!!" Lol, i felt so embarrassed after :)

Going to go get some rest, if I can lol

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