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hopejosh's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 11, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Newark, United States

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My Journal

T minus 4 Days!
By hopejosh » Posted Jan. 1, 2015 9:48am - 523 views - 2 comments

Happy New Year Everyone! ;-)

So here it is January 1st 2015. In just 4 days I'll be getting all set in the hospital for my c section. It's been a long tough pregnancy but I couldn't be happier. I have been blessed.

I am a little nervous about how my son is going to react when we bring her home. I'd say more apprehensive this time than when I brought him home. At that time my daughter was almost 4 and had a pretty good understanding of what was ahead. This time around, she's almost 6 and will be a great help. However, my son is just a little over 2 and doesn't understand. We do talk to him about what's to come though and have slowly introduced him to all the new baby things that will be around the house,(bouncer,swing, etc).
I'm worried he's going to feel rejected and or neglected. For the first weeks weeks I will be recovering from surgery and won't be able to do much with him :-(

My husband and I went and did some final shopping for her arrival. He can't drive (legally blind) and I will be on restrictions for at the very least a week. So we went and bought two more packs of diapers and things of that nature. Today we are going to get some formula to last us till our next WIC appointment. I can't breast feed due to medications I need to be on.

Hope everyone had a great new years and I'll be back hopefully on 1\5\15 posting about little Aubree's birth :-)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from hopejosh » Posted Jan. 1, 2015 9:33pm
I really think he's starting to realize things are about to change. He's genuinely a good happy boy. But when it comes to bed time (since Christmas eve) he flips out when my husband or myself leave his room. Normally we can just say, it's bed time babes, and he'd run to his room, since 12 months old. So this being out of the blue has me thinking he's worried. And its going to only get worse being I'll be away from him from this Sunday to about Thursday :-(

Comment from Sianny » Posted Jan. 1, 2015 2:02pm
Can't wait to see the birth announcement. I hope all goes well with the home bringing.
My son has just turned into the devil recently but luckily but I'm sure he's just adjusting.
x x x

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