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hopejosh's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 11, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Newark, United States

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My Journal

Home life
By hopejosh » Posted Jan. 16, 2015 10:26pm - 372 views - 0 comments

Aubree is now 11 days old. She is a beautiful perfect little soul.

At the hospital she was a BIG eater and a pretty good sleeper. She still sleeps well although she likes to be up from 2-5am currently lol. She still loves to eat but is having some issues either with her formula or something with her stomach. She throws up just about every time she eats. SO the pediatrician is keeping an eye on her weight. We go back Tuesday for a weight check and to decide on a formula change.

I was worried about how our son Noah(2yr old) was going to be with Aubree. He's actually doing quite well. He is always trying to give her kisses and when she cries (which is only when shes hungry) he says "uh oh!" and goes searching for her bottle or binki :) He like to help he feed her (holds the bottle) and he's a big help when it comes to tossing diapers lol. From time to time he needs some reminding that he needs to be careful around sissy.

Our oldest, Kendall, is so very happy to have a sister. She got her wish ;)
She wasn't to happy with her name at first. She wanted her name to be Kendra, but I thought it to be to close to Kendall. She's not to happy at the thought of having to eventually share a room with Aubree some time down the road lol.

My husband has been awesome. He's been focused more on helping with the older two (since I needed to recover from my c section) and I have been taking care of Aubree. He's very nervous about her throwing up and is scared he wont hear her getting sick and she choke. At the hospital, he was there from beginning to end, only leaving to make sure stuff as taken care of at home when needed. Without him,.....i dont think I could have made it through the delivery and recovery.

I'm back on my meds and I am feeling great, besides the aches and pains from the surgery. I have lost all the baby weight plus a few. I am VERY pleased about that. All in all, things are going well here. I am blessed :)

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