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Joined Sep. 26, 2014 7:59pm

itsbeans's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 3, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

18 week Appointment
By itsbeans » Posted Feb. 3, 2015 11:11am - 218 views - 1 comment

So I braved the icy roads this morning to go to my appointment, anxiety level was high because I hate driving to begin with and I hate driving in less than ideal conditions about 1000 times more!

The doctor said my blood pressure was a little elevated, I have a concern about that because often, at the doctor's when I'm NOT pregnant my blood pressure can be slightly elevated but I think today it was due to the anxiety. I had an appointment on Friday with my GP and he said my blood pressure was 126/80 which sounded fine to me. I took it when I got home and I got 122/76 so I think it was just snow driving.

I lost 5 lbs since my last appointment, my doctor asked me if I was eating. First they tell me I must be eating too much... now the concern is I might not be eating enough, she wasn't as harsh about it as the other doctor. I haven't really changed anything I have no idea where the 5lbs came from and now where it went.

I got to hear baby's heartbeat today, it's actually the first time I've heard it because I don't have a doppler and the last appointment the doctor I saw chose to do an ultrasound instead. Baby's heartbeat was 156 and he/she was moving around quite a bit.

I have to go back in 2 weeks for my anatomy scan, maybe we'll be able to see if it's a girl or a boy! Exciting!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from eat2nourish » Posted Feb. 5, 2015 3:27pm
I'm happy that you're doing well despite having to brave the icy weather. Your little one sounds like he/she is doing great, too! Isn't that heartbeat the sweetest sound? Can't wait to hear about the anatomy scan! xx

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