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Joined Sep. 26, 2014 7:59pm

itsbeans's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 3, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

The Baby Shower and Growth Ultrasound
By itsbeans » Posted Apr. 22, 2015 10:38am - 250 views - 5 comments

Sunday was our baby shower, we were more than surprised with how generous our families were. We have almost every thing we need for little Scarlett (and a few extras!) It was a lovely day, and even though I had a small piece of cake it didn't really seem to effect my blood sugar readings.

The nursery is now in desperate need of organization! It's a mess in there! My mother in law gave us the envelopes for thank-you cards, she had everyone write their addresses on them and used the envelopes to raffle off the centerpieces, but she forgot to give us the cards that fit in them! I was hoping to get them done this week! Oh, well, it'll have to wait until I see her next.

Yesterday I had an appointment with Dr. Evil. I still don't like her, she's just brusque and I am pretty sure she doesn't like me because I'm fat. I mean I KNOW I'm fat, and I KNOW that's not ideal but what are you going to do, I'm here and a patient of this practice you could at least pretend you give a crap. Anyway, she wasn't AS bad this week, but then she didn't have to touch me because I had an ultrasound right before so she didn't have to check the baby's heartbeat or anything like that. Next appointment is with Dr. R and that will be much better. Dr. Evil didn't even really look at the blood sugar charts and the kick counter the nurses said to bring with me. I just hate that woman.

Anyway, I had a growth ultrasound yesterday and Scarlett is more than likely going to be a large baby. She's 3 lbs 15oz already by their estimation, measuring at almost 32 weeks. Yikes! I'm quite concerned I'm going to have a monster sized baby! I don't think it's related to blood sugar, I have been monitoring it from the beginning and it's always in normal range with my normal diet, it's just that glucola that sends things into a funk. It might be because I'm tall, my husband isn't what I'd consider tall but he's taller than I am and not short. (I come from a family of tall people, I'm the shortest one at 5'9", my little brother is 6'5)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Apr. 22, 2015 9:47pm
Oh my hubby is 6ft6 and me 5ft9 and McKenna was only 7lbs 10oz the other day. I think u/s can be out on babies sizing when further into the pregnancy when they do growth scans in the 3rd Tri and I had the full on GD. My first was 9lbs with no GD. Mind you McKenna was born at 39weeks and Ella 41 :-)

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Apr. 22, 2015 9:43pm
Beautiful. I love your nursery wall. Looks great :-)

Comment from rcorinne » Posted Apr. 22, 2015 3:10pm
Lovely room. Sorry about the dr. Glad you get to see the other one next.

Comment from itsbeans » Posted Apr. 22, 2015 11:10am
Thanks! It's still a work in progress, we need to put some racks into the closet and figure out where some of her baby shower loot is going to go! I don't think that pack and play is staying there, we had to put it together because my Aunt wanted to make sure everything was there due to the box being damaged! That pink blanket with the alphabet on it is my absolute favorite gift! It's so soft

Comment from aubabylcd » Posted Apr. 22, 2015 11:06am
Your nursery looks so cute!

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