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Joined Sep. 26, 2014 7:59pm

itsbeans's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 3, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Just a busy day
By itsbeans » Posted May. 23, 2015 7:35pm - 314 views - 1 comment

We had a really busy day today doing things that are not really pregnancy related, fixing up things in the house that we wanted to have done before we have the baby and lose the motivation to get them done! The back splash behind the sink in the kitchen for one, and changing the oil in the cars, that kind of thing.

These things involved several trips to the auto store and Home Depot.

Positive at Home Depot, someone actually decided I'm pregnant and not just incredibly fat, that was actually kind of nice! I mean, no unwanted touching just a "When is the baby due?" kind of comment. Negative at Home Depot, I fell on my hands and knees in the parking lot, I'm fine, Baby is fine I just scraped my knee and was pretty mad at myself the rest of the day, but it did score me some new nail polish at Target because Hubby felt bad that he was walking a few steps ahead of me and didn't catch me.

Now it's 8:30pm and I feel like it's midnight I'm so freaking tired. Thanks for taking all my energy away third trimester!

I hope everyone is having a good Memorial Day weekend (if you're in the states). I may go up to the veterans cemetery tomorrow and visit my Dad, I can't believe Monday will be three years ago that we buried him =(

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from rcorinne » Posted May. 24, 2015 12:23am
Glad you're all right after your fall. Hope you get some good rest and have good memories of your dad to cherish this weekend.

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