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Joined Sep. 26, 2014 7:59pm

itsbeans's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 3, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

By itsbeans » Posted Jun. 18, 2015 11:12am - 334 views - 3 comments

Tomorrow makes 38 weeks, 95% done!

At my last appointment I saw a different doctor (Mine's on vacation for til the 30th) and she told me in no uncertain terms that if I don't go into labor by my due date that they will induce me.

Now I'm anxious because I don't really want to be induced, I want baby to just come on her own... but like now, although as far as I can tell she's perfectly comfortable staying right where she is.

They told me they'd induce me, but they didn't mention scheduling an induction... is that weird? I think it's weird because my due date is July 3 which is the observed Independence Day this year since the 4th is a Saturday. I'm assuming they don't purposefully schedule a lot of things for national holidays.... I wish my regular doctor was there I was so overwhelmed with the new doctor and her accent (she's a very nice Indian woman) that I didn't think to ask any questions.

Scarlett is still measuring in the 96th percentile (at least it's consistent I guess) and the estimate that RIGHT NOW she's 8.5lbs which also makes me want her out now!

In other news yesterday we dissembled the crib my sister-in-law gave me and put together a new crib because she's pregnant again and I assume she'll need it (though she hasn't asked for it) I'd rather do it now and get it out of the way than have to deal with it later. There's all sorts of family drama surrounding her and I don't want any part of it, so take your crib back!

And where is this nesting they keep telling me I'll get, I'm still the laziest housekeeper I know!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from itsbeans » Posted Jun. 19, 2015 9:44am
I have 2 appointments between now and my due date, the 25th and the 30th.

Comment from rcorinne » Posted Jun. 18, 2015 10:35pm
You have appointments between now and your due date, right? You could ask for more specific timing then. I was induced, but it wasn't scheduled. During my prenatal appointment they called over to the hospital and asked if L&D room for me that day. Then I went. If you don't have the baby before the holiday weekend, perhaps they'll induce you the next time you come in for a check up. *shrug* Induction aren't ideal, but they're not the end of the world. I'm sure you'll do fine either way.

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Jun. 18, 2015 2:57pm
I'm laughing a bit about the part about your SIL! =)

And wow sounds like your little girl is gonna be big! =) Nice healthy baby! Hopefully she'll just decide to come out soon. =)

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