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Joined Aug. 15, 2015 12:26pm

CaityMarie_'s Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 9, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old
Location: United States

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My Journal

Anxiety & Hormones Are Taking Over...
By CaityMarie_ » Posted Oct. 4, 2015 10:20am - 425 views - 4 comments

So just when I start getting a grip on everything; It's gone...
A couple weeks ago I had to come to terms with the fact that we won't be able to find a bigger apartment before our little girl is born (we live in a small one bedroom w/ 3 cats- 530sq ft). I know it can be done, or more importantly it HAS to be done, but man is this hard to work with. Day-to-day I go through terrible stages of anxiety/hormone fueled mood swings. Both my Mom & 'Mother-in-Law' keep reassuring me it will all be okay, and they've been helping out A TON with getting things ready.
The plan is- Baby girl 'Cece' & I will share the bedroom(aka nursery). Daddy will sleep on the pull out couch in the living room with the cats, And we will try to find a bigger two bedroom 3-6 months after Cecily is born. Sounds a lot easier said than done.
On top of everything, my other half doesn't understand my moodiness or emotions. Therefore isn't very comforting. He means well and does try... But he just doesn't know when to stop being pushy and leave me alone. In turn I get snippy at him; he complains that I'm being a bitch and can't appreciate him. I love him to death and try my hardest to have patience with him, but I am only human( & a pregnant one at that.)

OH, and now I'm getting a rash that looks suspiciously like PUPPPs. :/

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from CaityMarie_ » Posted Oct. 5, 2015 4:56pm
I love you ladies, Lol. You always make me feel better :) (& help to keep my sanity in check.)

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Oct. 5, 2015 9:53am
My husband acts like my pregnancy hormones are the worst thing he has ever dealt with. I will say, it's not easy to be around me when I have one of my episodes but that's all they are, episodes and they go away! I had to accept that I wasn't going to get any support/comfort from him or my step children when I was hormonal so I just try to get away from the situation (go to the bathroom for a minute) and collect my thoughts and then I usually am over it by then. Pregnancy hormones are no joke!

Comment from MalPal85 » Posted Oct. 5, 2015 8:15am
My hubby is the same exact way. He doesn't know when to stop being pushy and stop pressing my buttons either and then wonders why I some times snap. He means well too but just doesn't get it. Mmmmmmm....ice cream.....

Comment from Kitten90 » Posted Oct. 4, 2015 12:06pm
We had to go 8 months in a 1bdrm apartment with 2 cats. I feel ya. It was overwhelming because baby stuff took over half the apartment lol!! You will find a way to make it work though. Stackable drawers and anything that folds up so you can slide it underneath something else are absolutely amazing things lol

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