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Joined Jul. 9, 2015 1:40pm

momof3xo's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 25, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 30 years old
Expecting: Twins

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My Journal

Almost 12 weeks!!
By momof3xo » Posted Jan. 16, 2016 7:45pm - 250 views - 4 comments

Well, renting that Doppler was the best thing I ever did. I love hearing my baby's heartbeat everyday and being able to share that with my boyfriend. I can't wait to share that with my daughter on Tuesday when I'm officially 12 weeks!
My ultrasound is that day also, I've never been so excited. I can't wait to share our great news with family and friends!

But I've been a little stressed out lately. I've been on the hunt for a 3 bedroom townhouse or a 3 bedroom apartment even, and I can't find anything!! I'm due August so we still have a while to find something but it's making me nervous not knowing if we'll get one in time. I would be happy with moving out before the end of the year even. Our 2 bedroom apartment is very big, so I would have to set up the crib in my bedroom. I don't mind doing that at all but I just wouldn't want to share a room with the baby once he/she starts getting around the age of 1.

I'm going to look everyday and I'm sure we'll find something! Just a little stressed by this. But it's not the end of the world and we'll make it work either way for sure! im trying to not let it stress me to much but sometimes I get so overwhelmed by it.

Things are slowly falling into place.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from momof3xo » Posted Jan. 17, 2016 11:57am
I love the Doppler!! I found the heartbeat at 11 weeks! It's been amazing being able to have it at home. I usually use it once a day, sometimes twice :)

Comment from Galanthus » Posted Jan. 17, 2016 9:16am
I plan on getting a Doppler as soon as they can possibly detect a heartbeat. I imagine it's hard to resist the urge to use it constantly though? :)

Comment from momof3xo » Posted Jan. 17, 2016 9:13am
Exactly!! Well my sciatica nerve has been killing me!! I'm still a little tired throughout the day, a little more weepy too. Craving fruit and chocolate a lot lol. I also have troubles sleeping even though I'm tired. And the waking up in the night to pee is driving me crazy, but it has slowed down a lot! I also keep sneezing!! I haven't stopped sneezing for weeks! Before this pregnancy I've never really been a sneezer! I hope your feeling well!!

Comment from Crissyh613 » Posted Jan. 17, 2016 8:05am
It will all work out. God/the universe (whatever you believe )always gives us what we need. And besides it really isn't that imparitive that the baby has a room yet. I think for us moms,we just want everything to be perfect. So I get it!:) keep looking....it will come!:) How are you feeling?? I'm also 12 weeks.

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