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momof3xo's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 25, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 30 years old
Expecting: Twins

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My Journal

Felt a kick from the outside & moving into a small house!!
By momof3xo » Posted Mar. 6, 2016 6:50pm - 337 views - 2 comments

Finally!! I've felt a kick from the outside with my hand on my belly!!
I've been feeling them move so much more often now it's amazing. That kick today that I was able to feel with my hand was actually a big one! I couldn't believe how it felt. I've forgotten what that's felt like from when I was pregnant last with my first daughter (almost 5 years ago).

I'm so happy because in a couple months we'll be moving into a smal 3 bedroom house (no basement though). HUGE backyard and HUGE shed for storage. I'm so excited that I can decorate the twins rooms now lol and my daughters again. It's going to be such a great thing for my family. It's also so much closer to my mom which is awesome because I have a feeling when these girls are born I'm going to be needing some help when my boyfriends at work lol.

I'm also planning a "daddy diaper party" for my boyfriend in June to have in our backyard. To bad I have no idea how those things work :S
Maybe just sit around talking, having a BBQ? I'm guessing they don't do games and stuff like at a baby shower... Who knows lol but we'll figure it out :)

So excited for these good things coming our way.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from momof3xo » Posted Mar. 7, 2016 8:04am
Yes I'm so excited lol
It'll be such a change from an apartment that's for sure :)

Comment from Hopeforchildren » Posted Mar. 7, 2016 7:55am
I bet you can't wait to move! That is very exciting. We have a huge backyard too and the open space is really good for the soul :) I think anyway!

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