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Joined Nov. 29, 2012 8:46pm

kCharleneS's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 12, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 33 years old
Location: Colfax, United States

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28 Week OB Appointment/Glucose Test
By kCharleneS » Posted Apr. 19, 2013 3:39pm - 336 views - 0 comments

Well, had my 1 hour glucose test today. It tasted like watered down, non-carbonated orange soda. It tasted horrible and I started gagging a little while drinking it, but after it was down I felt fine. No upset stomach or anything. I was kinda sad though. My step-mom said it was so sugary and thick that you could slice through it with a butter knife so that's what I was looking for. And it really wasn't that sweet. Anyways, we find out in a week what the results are if I don't have diabetes and if they need me to come in and do the 3 hour test, then they'll call me instead.
We also had our monthly ultrasound and according to the measurements, instead of being 28 weeks 2 days pregnant, Alison is measuring at 29 weeks 4 days. My OB asked how big Nate was when I had him and how close to his due date did I have him and I told him 8 pounds 2 ounces and was just 3 days before his due date. He said that based on how fast she's growing and how big Nathan was, chances are she'll be at least Nathan's size, if not bigger when she's born. He said that there is no chance of me having a 6 pound baby. But that's okay with me because Nate was an easy delivery.
I also asked him about his policy on taking the placenta home so I can have it encapsulated. He'd never heard of women doing that before but said he has no problem with it, but it depends on the hospital. So at around 37 weeks we'll ask them.
I also asked about my contractions I've been having. They've been becoming a lot more intense and last a minute long each, but I'm not getting more than 3 or 4 an hour. He said that as long as I am not bleeding, my water doesn't break, or I don't get more than 6 in an hour that it's pretty normal in subsequent pregnancies.
Sean and I have also made the decision that it would be best for our family if we formula feed our baby. With how bad my postpartum depression was last time and how I'm still fighting depression and manic depressive behaviors, it'd be best to get back on my anti-depressants and mood stabilizers immediately. I wasn't able to function with Nathan and ended up leaving for 3 months and leaving him with his dad. And even after I came back I still wasn't there like I should have been. It wasn't until he was 2 and I was actually finally medicated that I was. So in order for me to be the functioning person I need to be for both of my children, I need to get back on those meds as soon as I can and that means no breast feeding due to her getting my meds if I did. Some people will call me a selfish horrible mother for this, but I don't give a rats ass about it because doing this makes me UNselfish since it'll allow me to be the mother I need to be. I was sad at first when I made the decision, but every day I get more and more sure that this is what is best for us. :-D

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