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KenpoMommy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 49 years old

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My Journal

Second trimester. So much for feeling better :-(
By KenpoMommy » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 7:07am - 210 views - 4 comments

So here i am, 17 weeks, and still feeling like crap. Everything i eat makes me sick, not throwing up sick, just wishing i would throw up sick. Fun. And the migranes just won't quit! I have gotten severe migranes since childhood and pregnancy has always made them worse. Usually just in the first trimester though. This time, they've been really bad. Everything i would normally do to relieve them during pregnancy, when i can't take migrane meds, is just not working this time. And due to some long standing back injuries that have been agravated by pregnancy, I haven't been able to keep up with house cleaning or the regular stuff i would normally do with my two year old. I think i've spend most of the last 17 weeks in bed. I feel really lucky that my husband and i are in a position to be home most of the day so that he can take over the stuff i just haven't been able to do lately. With my last two pregnancies, i always felt so much better by now. I also never had a problem eating like this either. By this time with the last ones, i had gained weight and looked pregnant, in part, because i ate like a horse! Especially with the last pregnancy, i ate all kinds of stuff that i can't even think about eating this time. So far, i still look the same and have actually lost weight. My dr says i'm fine still, weight wise, because i was heavier to start with this time, but it just feels weird to me that i don't look any different yet. And people don't automatically understand why you feel like shit all the time when you don't look pregnant. I'm getting frustrated because most days, eating seems more like a chore than something to be enjoyed. Most of the time, the discomfort doesn't even feel like a morning sickness type feeling, just a very unsettled, sometimes painful feeling in my stomach and upper abdomen. And of course, the horrendous heartburn. During the last pregnancy, i had to be on two prescription heartburn/reflux meds to control it. I've resorted to vitamin supplemented protien shakes when i just can't stomach the thought of food. Seems this pregnancy is far more about food aversion than cravings....

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 2:58pm
I feel you girl, I am in the same boat as you. i hope we both get some relief real soon! What I do is drink high protein ensure when I absolutely can not eat anything

Comment from Preciousbby4 » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 12:52pm
Sorry u feel sick my morning sickness was gone at 18 weeks so soon enough u will feel better.

Comment from lobethh » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 9:40am
D; So sorry, hon!

Comment from aubabylcd » Posted Aug. 15, 2013 8:33am
Sorry to hear you are so sick still :( I hope it lets up for you soon!

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