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Joined Dec. 23, 2011 12:45pm

KenpoMommy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 49 years old

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My Journal

Feeling bummed..
By KenpoMommy » Posted Sep. 15, 2013 7:25pm - 246 views - 1 comment

Last night, DH and i went to a friend's wedding reception. I was looking forward to it because i haven't seen some of the people there in quite a while and i was looking forward to showing off my baby tummy. But because of the lighting and the top i was wearing, nobody could tell i was pregnant. Even the people that know me. Everyone kept asking me why i wasn't drinking and i had to keep saying "because i'm pregnant. You can't tell?" As pleased as i've been about not gaining a ton of weight right away, like last time, it would be nice, at 5 months along, if i actually started to look like there is something in there! I'm proud of it and it bummed me out a little that it was totally overlooked all night. My husband's family doesn't even seem to remember most of the time, because they can't see much, and we live on their property!

I guess i'm just feeling whiny because this will be my last one and it's a big deal to me, but no one seems to notice or care. I guess after the first baby, nobody gives a shit anymore...

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Sep. 15, 2013 9:58pm
Awe I am sorry you aren't getting the attention you feel you deserve. I have a proper belly and it isn't even baby yet and drives me nuts that it giggles like a bowl full of jelly. One day all of the sudden baby is just going to jump out at you. You wait and see!! Great pic BTW

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