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Joined Dec. 23, 2011 12:45pm

KenpoMommy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 49 years old

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More meds for my stomach :-(
By KenpoMommy » Posted Oct. 8, 2013 12:43am - 254 views - 3 comments

I had my 24 week prenatal appt today and my dr prescribed yet another medication for the stomach problems i've been having. That makes three now, two for wicked heartburn and reflux and now the one for the persistent nausea that hasn't gone away in the second trimester like i hoped it would. I've only gained 3 lbs so far because i'm having such a hard time eating anything. So many things smell so good, but then i feel so sick after i eat that it's become a real chore to get through mealtimes. My poor husband has been going out of his way to try to come up with stuff i can stomach, that won't keep me up all night later. I don't know what i would do without him! A few weeks ago, my dr wasn't concerned about the lack of weight gain, but now he's saying it's a problem. It's hard not to feel guilty, like i'm doing something wrong, because i'm not gaining the weight i should. Hopefully, this new medication will help. I really would like to just get through one day without feeling like i've been punched in the stomach. I fully expected to feel like crap through the first trimester, i just didn't expect it to continue on and get worse the farther along i get. I have to do my glucose challenge test in a couple weeks and i'm a little worried about how my tummy will handle it. I never had a problem in the past, but i also never had this many stomach issues either.

I've also been having some cramping pain in the last couple days that is not related to the braxton hicks. Dr. checked my cervix while i was there today and he said it's not changing at all, but he did say the baby is sitting really low. Maybe that's where it's coming from. At least there's no sign of labor going on, which is what i was a little worried about. Just have to wait and see if it gets better or worse.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from KenpoMommy » Posted Oct. 8, 2013 11:44am
Sassy, thanks. I feel like everyday revolves around mealtimes. What am I going to eat, can I actually eat it all, and how much pain am I going to be in afterwards? Its gotten so bad that I will actually put off eating if I have something important to do or somewhere to go, despite being hungry, just because I know I'm going to be sick after and I don't want it to interfere with what I'm doing. I never eat before I go to school in the morning because I don't want to have to run out in the middle of class and miss stuff. I feel like I plan my whole day around food and my stomach :-(

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Oct. 8, 2013 9:08am
Gosh girl I hope you get some relief eventually!!

Comment from hayleycynthia » Posted Oct. 8, 2013 12:58am
That nausea is awful. I've been worrying because I've lost 2 pounds in the last ten days. (16 weeks). Seeing my Dr today do hopefully get an answer

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