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Joined Nov. 9, 2013 5:00pm

emmapeal9's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 22, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 46 years old
Location: Seattle, United States

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My Journal

This week isn't starting much better...
By emmapeal9 » Posted May. 13, 2014 10:31pm - 203 views - 2 comments

I failed the 3 hour glucose test. :(
I have gestational diabetes. Fark! Yesterday was a big waste as I started the testing at 8:00am, was finished with lunch by 1:00 and then got the call, and spent the afternoon upset and then trying to nap.

I have a two hour class scheduled tomorrow at 9:00am to learn as much as I can and get my testing supplies. I "practiced" today, but sticking to whole foods, eating small meals and snacks and lowering my carb intake. I've been reading a bit - this may very well be related to what I thought was anxiety - the shaky, dizzy and with increased heart rate. While I'm looking forward to getting a handle on things and hoping a diet change will help me feel better, I'm certainly a bit scared and worried.

On the bright side, I've stopped work. They took it fairly well being concerned about my health and the bambino. I'm pretty sure I overdid it today. I spent the morning doing all our laundry (the condo does not have a washer/dryer in it so I have to go up and down stairs and haul laundry to the end of the building to the laundry room), cleaning the bathroom, vacuuming, and entertaining the dog (she's not used to me being home). We walked to meet hubby (after a quick grocery store trip) on his walk home from the train as the weather is gorgeous here. Needless to say my back, hips and lower belly are aching!
Which brings me to - lightening crotch and lower ab pain. I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball in the bottom of my uterus which hurts when I walk (along with my hips). Lightening crotch was strong yesterday and into the evening, but hasn't happened but once or twice today.

Looking forward to our long weekend/baby moon this weekend. We're headed to Vancouver BC to bum around. Art museum, Stanley Park & a comedy club. It will be a nice little getaway just the two of us - silly jokes and hand holding. We got a room downtown, and I can't WAIT to sleep in that king sized bed.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted May. 14, 2014 8:42am
Ah, hell! That sucks! But, I'm sure you'll do just fine with it. Just remember, it's only barely 2 more months to go! Hope you have a good time on your trip. I'm glad you are not having to stress over work anymore.

Comment from jennavee » Posted May. 14, 2014 7:38am
Boo!! I'm sorry you got the GD diagnosis. I'm sure you'll do well managing it though, hang in there!
I'm glad you are getting a break from work! Enjoy this time of nesting and pampering yourself! You deserve it!
Have fun in Vancouver!!

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