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Joined May. 11, 2011 1:40pm

Shannybum's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 17, 2011
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

Copied from the 'net - to be completed once I've given birth! :)
By Shannybum » Posted Aug. 8, 2011 12:14pm - 251 views - 0 comments

About me and my partner: I am a 27 year old legal assistant, wife to my husband of 2 years and stepmom to his wonderful sons, Keiran (5) and Malachi (10). I was married before, at 19 to a man who ended up having an affair with my friend about a year into our marriage. I'm so thankful I did not have a child with that man - we were talking about getting pregnant and I think it's a blessing that we held off. I am a bit of an island/hippie girl at heart, I love music and books and writing.

Most unusual cravings: At the very beginning of my pregnancy I had the following cravings: Grapefruit, onion rings (I would make them by hand and deep fry them - gross), Hawaiian pizza, cold milk and cereal, candy. So far the ones that have remained are cereal/milk and sweets of all kinds. I used to not give candy a second thought - kids and husband used to buy/eat it and I wouldn't even be tempted. Now I have at least some kind of sweet EVERY DAY! I feel awful about it sometimes, but I'm not too worried cause I eat sweets in moderation. My husband thinks it's hilarious, cause I was formerly a bit of a health freak when it comes to eating. I also crave mustard - I like it on almost everything.

Morning sickness: When it started, how I tried to cure it. I was VERY FORTUNATE to not get ANY morning sickness. I did not throw up or even get naseated once. I will get a bit nauseated if I have my prenatal vitamin without food, but it only took two times before I learned that lesson. I did get sick with a flu at about week 14 which I was thinking would be the start of m/s but thankfully it was not.

The baby's sex -- to know or not to know? I always knew I would have wanted it to be a surprise, and thankfully Brent felt the same way. (He didn't find out with his boys either). Sometimes I admit it's hard not knowing, but I like the excitement/guessing games. Plus you get to have fun picking out two names, and also it controls spending! I Haven't bought one article of baby clothing!!!! I figure the baby will wear mostly sleepers for the first month, and people buy so much clothes that often the baby's too big before it can wear it all. I also don't mind a gender neutral nursery cause I wouldn't have painted the walls pink or purple or blue anyhow. I can't WAIT to hear Brent tell me what the sex is!!!!!!!

Best piece of advice someone gave me about giving birth: To not get an epidural if you can help it, and to stay at home as long as possible before going to the hospital (to be updated if needed).

Worst piece of advice someone gave me about giving birth: Nothing yet

Best piece of advice I can give about giving birth: (to be completed after)

Favorite maternity clothes/shoes: Cotton/spandex stretchy black dresses. I have about four and I live in them! Dresses that are stretchy and form fitting cling to your whole bump instead of dropping off at the peak of your bump making you just large and not pregnant!

Funny stories about my husband/partner during pregnancy: None really, cause he's been through pregnancy before. He always says when he feels the baby move that it's giving him a Hi5.

Hospital or home birth? I wouldn't mind a home birth but it scares the crap out of Brent. So we will have a hospital birth but use a midwife - he's already a bit freaked out about that!! I want to stay home as long as possible though. My midwife happens to live just up my block so it will be handy to have her close by to come check on me and she can tell me when we should head to the hospital. Since I'm not planning on any painkillers, it would be nice to wait unitl I'm at least halfway dilated at home.

Breastfeeding or bottle feeding? I really want to breastfeed and I'm hoping that it goes smoothly.


When I went into labor, I was. . .
My labor . . .
About baby:
Looking back on my pregnancy, these moments were the:

Most unforgetta

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