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kCharleneS's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 12, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Colfax, United States

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My poor boy
By kCharleneS » Posted Jan. 27, 2013 12:50am - 253 views - 4 comments

Nate's sick. He's been sick for two days now. I woke up to a text at 4 in the morning yesterday saying that Nathan was throwing up think slime and for two days he hadn't been able to keep anything down. Well I was hoping he was going to feel better by today cause normally he goes back to his normal self once he throws up. But unfortunately when I picked Nate up from his dad's today, he was not doing well at all. He refused to talk, started crying when he saw me, and was burning up. I had just asked RJ if he had been running a fever or anything and he had said, "No, he's been pretty cold actually" so for him to be literally radiating heat when I picked up him, I find that so hard to believe.
So needless to say, I took him to the doctor. Normally at the doctor he wants to play and explore but even when they put us in the kids room with toys, he just wanted to lay down on the bed and have me read him a story.
He had a fever of 101.9 when we went in and based on his symptoms, the doctor told us he believes he has the flu. He prescribed some nausea suppositories but I'm not comfortable giving them to him. I feel like I'm molesting my child. :-( I voiced my concerns to the doctor too, but he assured me that I wasn't and that I didn't need to use them if I can keep the nausea under control. Basically, he prescribed them just to have on hand for days like yesterday.
Anyways, we've been home since noon and he's been drinking diluted poweraid and I've been giving him Children's Ibuprofen and Tylenol (alternating between the two, of course) every four hours. His fever is still really high and not seeming to go down, but I figure it needs to burn the virus out. As long as he's getting fluids in him, that's all the matters and that's what the doctor said too.
He ate a very small bowl of dry cereal and then some apple sauce at 12:30 but hasn't eaten since. The doctor did also tell me not to worry about whether or not he eats, as long as he's drinking fluids.
So far he hasn't thrown up but he has some pretty severe and raunchy diarrhea. I just hope he can make it through the night without throwing up at all. The thing that worries me is the fact that we just had our flu shots two weeks ago. Isn't it supposed to make us not get sick?
And I'm also worried that I'm gonna get it. Being a stay at home mom, while my boyfriend works from 12:30 pm until 9, I don't want to be sick and not be able to take care of Nate, and on top of that being pregnant. It's just not good.
But in the end, I'm willing to get sick as long as my little boy gets better. I hate seeing him like this. He refuses to walk, he's been laying in bed all day, and just pitiful. Normally when he's pukey, he goes back to playing almost immediately. It's heartbreaking. :-(

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from kCharleneS » Posted Jan. 27, 2013 3:00pm
Thanks ladies. He's feeling loads better today. He made it the whole day and night without puking and only went poop twice in the middle of the night. And his fever finally broke at around 8 this morning. He's still exhausted though and doesn't want to do much or eat yet. But as long as he's not puking and his fever stays down, I'll be happy. lol

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Jan. 27, 2013 11:59am
Also the flu shots effectiveness is only 60% ..interesting lil fact I read. So it will not 100% protect you from the flu, as new flu strains also develop every year.

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Jan. 27, 2013 11:57am
Sounds like th nasty norovirus strain that came from Australia that everyone else also seems to be getting including myself. I had it for 5 days with a two day fever of 102. The flu shot will not protect you from the norovirus as a stomach flu is not actually the flu. Keep him hydrated and as comfortable as you can. As far as not spreading it to others drink grape juice . A lil trick to prevent stomach flus...but only prevent once you have it the grape juice won't help..also disinfect like..everything ! And practice lots of good hand washing . Hope he feels better soon! Poor lil guy!

Comment from lannieprego » Posted Jan. 27, 2013 7:03am
Awwww I truly understand....I Hope he recovers quickly...and sometimes the shot makes kids sick to help build defense...but we as mothers do what we have to just make sure you take proper precautions for you and unborn because that flu can make you miserable and put you out of commission...:) GET WELL SOON!

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