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kCharleneS's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 12, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Colfax, United States

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My Journal

So stressed
By kCharleneS » Posted Jun. 6, 2013 5:49pm - 337 views - 3 comments

Well, my aunt that has been abused by her boyfriend is now having more problems. The 24th was my cousin's (her son's) graduation about 2 hours away from me. She was gonna be my ride since I do not drive. I told my mom about this and she informed me that my Aunt Geri told her that Aunt Angie is on meth. I knew her boyfriend Shawn was, but thought she was better than that. But she felt that since I was gonna be alone with her that I had a right to know.
Well, the day came when I was supposed to go out there and I couldn't get a hold of her. It wasn't until 4 that I was able to. She then wanted me to get a ride at the very last minute to take me an hour away. I couldn't do that. My family all works. Then she asked if I could at least get a ride to the next town over which is 15 miles. I told her I would try. Well luckily Sean's wrist was hurting so he came home early from work and he was able to drive me. I called her right as I was getting in the car to tell her that I was cashing my check and then I'd be on my way. She said to call her when I head out, so I did. We decided to meet at Walmart and she told me to call her when I got there. I did and she STILL hadn't left the town that was an hour away. We waited and waited and then she called asking if we could me her at the NEXT town over. Luckily that was only 5 minutes away so we did. We then went and picked up my grandmother and switched to Gramma's car and headed out. By this time it was 6:30 and Tyler's graduation started at 7.
The entire ride there she was really irritable and kept snapping at my gramma for stupid things. The graduation was only about an hour away and she went through almost an entire pack of cigarettes in that one hour. She also ate NOTHING but sweets and was also really jerky on the road. So to me, growing up with a father that did meth and being around it my whole life, I thought that she was coming down from a high.
I ended up staying with my cousin and uncle for the weekend and on Sunday Tyler drove me to Lewiston (the town that is an hour away. It's kinda the halfway point) and my aunt was gonna drive me the rest of the way. When we got there, her boyfriend had gotten pissed and threw coffee all over the dashboard of her car. She then spent the next 2 hours SCRUBBING it clean, front to back, in the gas station parking lot. She also asked Tyler for some of his graduation money for smokes. I also had to give her gas money (which I had planned anyways since she was driving me). After that, we went to a different gas station and once again she bought NOTHING but sweets.
The drive home her boyfriend texted and cussed her out and verbally abused not only her, but me. I don't put up with that shit. When we finally got home I had made plans with my friend to help her finish moving since she moved two blocks away from me. But my aunt spent an hour in my driveway just texting and calling her boyfriend. Then she did the same thing in my friend's driveway. I knew that she was high and that's why she was acting the way she was.
She's lost a ton of weight and even has her belly button pierced. She always down talked my mom for getting hers done and threatened to rip her son's tongue ring out because she was so against piercings. She also has had a personality change. She used to be so docile and wouldn't stick up for herself or anything. Now she's talking about beating the shit out of "that bag whore who's been trying to fuck my man".
And I just found out she's pissed because Gramma was placed in a home for her dementia and now she has no flop house for her and her friends. And now she's making comments like "do I need to come and take care of you" since I'm on bed rest. I don't know what to do because I'm worried her and her druggy friends are just gonna show up here like they did with Gramma and Aunt Geri. She doesn't know I know about her being on drugs and I don't know how to respond to comments like that.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from kCharleneS » Posted Jun. 7, 2013 2:58pm
Thank you; I grew up my entire life around meth due to my dad being an addict until three years ago. I did talk to my mom about it and she said that I just need to keep my door locked at all times and pretend I'm not home if she does end up showing up out of the blue. I'm trying very hard to distance my self from her because I really don't want that around my children. She hugged me and I wanted nothing more than to take a bath and scrub because of the risk of it seeping from her pores on to me. It just makes me so sad to see her go down this route because she was such a great woman and means so much to me. But you're right, I can't help someone that doesn't want or feels they need help.

Comment from msbritt07 » Posted Jun. 7, 2013 4:05am
This is a very sad situation. You're Aunt is old enough to know right from wrong. Tough love is hard but the only thing you're going to do is enable her if you try to help by giving her money out letting her start with toy. Personally i would not want anyone on drugs around me kids our my unborn child. Family or not. You can let her know you appreciate the offer but you're ok. Addicts are very tricky conniving people. They will do whatever they can to get that next high ie the stealing she's doing. So just be careful. Good luck! I know a lot about this stuff i have been clean for over 5 years. :-)

Comment from kCharleneS » Posted Jun. 6, 2013 5:52pm
And now her boyfriend is posting things on her wall calling her a bag whore and that she ran off on a high and hasn't been home in two days. Nobody can get a hold of her. And her boyfriend's sister posted saying she stole a bunch of money from her.
This woman used to be like my mom. She rescued me when I was hurting myself and needed a place to stay; when my mom and I fought so bad I thought about dying as a freshman in high school; pretty much whenever I needed her she was there. And now, even though I want to help her, I can't allow her in my home and near my children. I can't allow her to hug me because the chemicals from the meth seep from her pores and get on me. She refuses to help herself and there's nothing that I can do but watch. It just sucks so bad. Even her kids don't want to be around her. :-(

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