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Joined Sep. 19, 2013 10:13am

baby3tokrys's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 10, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 42 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

Im back!!!!
By baby3tokrys » Posted Nov. 10, 2014 4:57pm - 274 views - 2 comments

I finally made it back to this site and I can say I am very excited! I got my BFP this morning and it was a blaring positive!
I am also being very cautious, because of all my previous miscarriages. I am praying that this is my forever baby! I am sure I will be holding my breathe until I see that heartbeat on my ultrasound.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from baby3tokrys » Posted Nov. 11, 2014 2:47pm
thank you :)

Comment from HzlGreenEyes » Posted Nov. 11, 2014 9:17am
Fingers X! Congrats!! Sticky bean!

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