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Joined Mar. 17, 2014 2:17am

lvlolo24's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 25, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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Camping and hike--10 weeks
By lvlolo24 » Posted May. 5, 2014 2:57pm - 211 views - 0 comments

So for the past few months or so we havent been able to do anything fun with my always tired and sleepy, or nauseous from MS, or just plain lazy to go anywhere. Finally this weekend we decided to go to Zion National Park for camping and hiking. I LOVE this place!! Zion has "Ahh-mazing" scenic views that are breathtaking and int my opinion one of the best places to hike. We took to new friends we met recently to share this experience with them since they both had never been there. We left on Sat afternoon which I wished we would have left earlier but due to procrastinating on their end we didnt get to leave till then.

The drive was only about 2 and half hrs long and while road trips dont make me sleepy since Im so excited that was not the case this time. After my 30 min nap I felt refreshed and ready for the rest of the afternoon. We reached our destination at about 5 in the evening and we had to unpack the car, pitch the tents, and get some dinner started before we lost light. My friend and I started on prepping the dinner while our partners unloaded the car and pitched the tents. Later that night once we were full it was time to light a campfire. The camp site we were at only allowed campfires at 2 specific areas where the pits were and my wife selected the best camp site that was across from the biggest fire pit. The second best thing was we were the only people camping at the furthest fire pit so we had it all to ourselves. We showed our friends how to make smores since they had never had an actual fire made one. It was cute to share this with them. We shared stories, had great laughs, and just bonded with our new friends.

It got late so we decided to hit the sleeping bags. This is where things got interesting. Unfortunately we had forgotten pillows and had to make some up using our clothes. It took a long while for me to get comfortable and plus since my sleep patterns have changed every little noise or blowing of the wind moving the tent woke me. I like to sleep on my back but been trying to train myself to sleep on my sides since its the best position once I get bigger. That wasnt very easy in my sleeping bag. Finally once I had gotten comfortable I then had to pee!!! The nearest bathroom was across the big empty field which I did not want to hike in the pitch darkness or wake my wife to take me so I decided I needed to go somewhere near our tent! Lol After that business I was able to sleep much more comfortable.

The next morning after breakfast and showers, we made our way down to go on our hike. The hike we decided to go was this hike called The Narrows since the views in that hike are beautiful along with passing some waterfalls. This hike is a little strenuous since you are hiking up against the river from the mountain treading water. Since I have done it a couple times before I knew what I was up against and know the best paths to go up on to avoid the harder parts. I didnt want to push myself being only 10 weeks. There were a few points where the current was really strong and we would have to hike a little further to avoid the currents. Also my wife was the best she usually was always behind making sure I was ok since the river ground is really rocky and some of those rocks are loose and move when you step on them or are slippery from moss growing on them. What really helped was a hiking stick my friend found and gave to me to use to balance myself.

All in all the hiking went well and was able to make it successfully. I did ended up a little sore afterwards particularly near my pelvis but it has now gone away. We joked afterwards that my little one is going to come up out with hiking boots on and a walking stick ready to take on the next hike! I hope so little one because your mommies love to hike and cant wait to take you with us!! :O)

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