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Joined Apr. 25, 2014 3:39am

Sianny's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 2, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: United Kingdom

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A little more human
By Sianny » Posted May. 27, 2014 5:10am - 221 views - 2 comments

Finally the morning sickness has calmed down a little, the mornings themselves are still a little 'urghy' but I can eat and drink again although I'm still on the tablets. Last week was the worst, it turned out the pills that go between gum and lip to dissolve masked the nausea but ended up that every time I moved my head I unexpectedly threw up...fun...not.
So I took a step back to the trusted cyclizine.

Last week left me with no doubt in my mind, this is the last child I'm having as they say morning sickness gets worse with each pregnancy. I'm not having that hell again.

On Saturday I had a Maccy D's Cheeseburger and it tasted like heaven and it didn't make me sick. I still have a very low appetite and sometimes don't want to eat but lucky me I have a hubby who is willing to drive around looking for krispy kreme doughnuts, a feat that in this part of the uk is rather hard to do.
I was unable to keep down multivitamins or folic acid while sick and I'm praying that this hasn't caused any issues. I have however found the migraine stage and I just want to sleeeeeeeeeeep FOREVER!!
No matter how I try to think past it, knowing that my last pregnancy something went wrong in week 8 I can't help but feel that its bound to happen again. Must think positive.

Had a visit to the out of hours GP for our area and I tell you one thing, he was freaking creepy!!! I don't think he ever met a pregnant woman in his life. I only wanted to check my BP so that I could safely say the migraines were hormone induced and nothing serious. He told me I had a fever so it was a the start of a bug...
I took my temp at home before I came out and it was 36.7 / 98 I didn't feel sick or feverish just warm because it was like a sauna in there so I took my temp (I keep the thermometer in my bag incase the 2yr old looks poorly while we are out and about) once we were back in the waiting room and low and behold it said 37 / 98.6 which is NORMAL BODY TEMP. Mind you he was as old as father time himself.
He didn't take my bp until the very end after he UNDID MY JEANS WITHOUT WARNING OR ASKING!!! If my hubby hadn't been in there I would have fled and asked for another Dr.
His hands never wandered anywhere though but his eyes did while he explained that I have a bug that's just not showing up yet. Creepy Moron -shudders-

So now I just have to catch up on the mountain of housework as hubby is rather bad at being me plus he's eating for two at the moment and doesn't believe that he's being a pregnant woman. "I can't stop eating and my back hurts"
Welcome to pregnancy dear.
This next bit is nowhere near the end of the world but I wanted to have a sulk about it.
People around me are posting up their baby announcements as always happens when I get pregnant all using wonderfully stolen ideas from pintrest meaning anything I come up with is not only done but verging on me being branded an unoriginal copycat. I just wanted something more wow as an announcement to the wider family who use Facebook like the telephone wasn't invented but now I'm stuck.
So we've had the chalk board toddler announcing they are to become a big sibling, the eviction notice on the cot of the older sibling and the letter sellotaped to the toddler stating that the only child title is revoked on the due date. I have one idea left and its going to require a very cooperative 2 year old and no one else in my family getting to 12 weeks preggers before I do.

One last thing,
Thank you to all the supportive mums and mums to be on here who have helped me through these last soul sucking weeks. I don't think I would have survived without you x

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Sianny » Posted May. 27, 2014 10:10am
Thank you, unfortunately my history of a missed miscarriage mean I no longer trust the symptoms.
I have been searching the internet for a great reveal but nothing has taken my fancy. I hope find your announcement plan soon hunny

Comment from aprilluvsmoz » Posted May. 27, 2014 8:23am
Im glad you are feeling better. With your steady increase. Of symptoms im sure everything is going great. Im also trying to find ways to announce soon since me and my boyfriend are the only two people that know.Best of luck wirh everything

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